Home Tag Electrocardiographic shock

Articles in Electrocardiographic shock

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Cardiovascular resuscitation: Treatment of acute heart failure has not improved with drugs
Acute heart failure is a cardiovascular emergency that requires urgent and appropriate treatment. In which the treatment of acute heart failure has not improved with drugs, there are many new effective treatment methods for patients.
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Cardiovascular resuscitation: Diagnosis and management of acute heart failure
Acute heart failure including acute pulmonary edema or cardiogenic shock is a pathology in cardiovascular resuscitation. Acute heart failure usually has a primary onset of decompensated acute heart failure on the background of chronic heart failure. Diagnosis and management of acute heart failure should be carried out urgently and effectively. If not treated promptly, the patient can die quickly.
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How is atrial fibrillation treated?
Atrial fibrillation is the result of chaotic electrical signals in the upper heart chambers (atria). Atrial fibrillation causes an irregular and fast heartbeat. Treatment of atrial fibrillation needs to be methodical and timely.
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Learn about cardioversion and defibrillation
Electric shock is a treatment method that helps to quickly extinguish and stabilize cardiac arrhythmias. There are two methods of electric shock being used, including: cardioversion and defibrillation.
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Steps to perform cardioversion in emergency
Sốc điện ngoài lồng ngực sử dụng năng lượng điện một chiều với mức năng lượng lớn phóng ra trong khoảng thời gian rất ngắn nhằm khử cực đồng thời phần lớn các tế bào cơ tim để lập lại nhịp tim bình thường.
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Cardiac cardioversion in patient emergency
Sốc điện chuyển nhịp là phương pháp sử dụng dòng điện để dập tắt các rối loạn nhịp nhanh đang chiếm quyền chủ nhịp của nhịp xoang, tạo điều kiện cho nhịp xoang trở lại vai trò chủ nhịp của nó. Cần lưu ý không nên hiểu sốc điện là dùng dòng điện “kích” cho tim đập.
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Indication of cardioversion shock
Indications for treatment of arrhythmias with extrathoracic electric shock will depend on the symptoms and severity of the patient. In some cases, it is possible to combine methods for cardiovascular emergency such as: medication, defibrillation, cardioversion, implantation of pacemaker - automatic defibrillator (ICDs), resynchronized pacemaker heart, pacemaker implantation, and surgery.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics