Home Tag Cardiovascular disorders

Articles in Cardiovascular disorders

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What is torsades de pointes syndrome?
Most torsades de pointes are related to an electrocardiogram with a prolonged QT interval in the previous period. Although occurring in a short time, torsades de pointes can lead to ventricular fibrillation, which is dangerous to the heart health of the patient.
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How are heart tumors and vestibular disorders treated?
My mother has heart disease, often has difficulty breathing and is tired. Recently, my mother had to go to the hospital for a seawater protein infusion. The doctor diagnosed her mother with a heart tumor, so her blood pressure was unstable, vestibular disorder. So the doctor told me how to treat heart tumors and vestibular disorders?
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Incubation period of bubonic plague
Dịch hạch là bệnh truyền nhiễm nguy hiểm, lây lan mạnh với tỷ lệ tử vong cao. Tùy từng thể bệnh, thời gian ủ bệnh dịch hạch khác nhau, trung bình là 1 - 7 ngày.
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How is the plague transmitted?
Bệnh dịch hạch là bệnh truyền nhiễm nguy hiểm do vi khuẩn gây ra, chúng có thể gây ra những biểu hiện cấp tính và người bệnh có thể tử vong với tỷ lệ cao nếu không được phát hiện và điều trị. Bệnh đã từng gây ra đại dịch và số lượng người tử vong rất cao, nên việc hiểu về bệnh giúp phòng tránh và điều trị kịp thời khi mắc bệnh là rất cần thiết.
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Vibration: What you need to know
Ventricular fibrillation, also known as ventricular fibrillation, is one of the common cardiovascular disorders and has a very high risk of affecting the life of patients, so it is necessary to detect and have appropriate treatment for the condition. this disease.
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What should not eat after heart valve replacement?
Repair or replacement of an artificial heart valve is a major surgery and to achieve the best results, it should be combined with proper nutrition and post-operative care. Eating healthy will help prevent other heart problems and help the body increase resistance and adapt to new heart valves. So patients after heart valve replacement should not eat, what foods should be avoided?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics