Why does libido increase during ovulation?

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Depending on a woman's location, the menstrual cycle usually lasts from 28 to 32 days. Ovulation takes place during the menstrual period and ovulation is the time when a woman's excitement, sex drive and ability to climax are highest. So how does ovulation affect a woman's feelings of love?

1. Ovulation period

Ovulation is part of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the ovary. The egg may or may not be fertilized by the sperm. If fertilized, the egg will begin the process of cell division, and travel to the uterus, until the blastocyst forms, it will implant in the uterus. A successful case will now begin the process of pregnancy. If not fertilized, the egg will break down, and the lining of the uterus is shed during menstruation.

2. How to calculate the day of ovulation

A woman's monthly menstrual cycle is calculated from the beginning of the first day of the menstrual period until the first day of the next menstrual period. The average woman's cycle is 28-32 days, but some women may have shorter or longer cycles.
Ovulation can occur at different times in a cycle and can be on a different day each month, usually between day 11 and day 21 of the cycle, counting from the first day of ovulation last menstrual period. This period is called a woman's "reproductive time", because having sex during this time increases the chances of getting pregnant.
Note that, it is possible that some external factors such as stress, illness, medication, interruption of daily routine, ... will affect your ovulation.

Quan hệ càng gần ngày rụng trứng thì tỷ lệ mang thai sẽ càng cao
Quan hệ càng gần ngày rụng trứng thì tỷ lệ mang thai sẽ càng cao

3. Lust during ovulation

On the day of ovulation, the volume and moisture of the mucus will be more. At this point, the color of the mucus may be creamy white. During ovulation, the amount of mucus will be at its highest, similar in color to egg whites. When egg white mucus appears, you are in your most fertile days. After ovulation, the amount of mucus will be less and become thicker.
This mucus helps sperm easily move through the vagina and then up the fallopian tubes to wait for the egg. According to scientists, this type of mucus is the most favorable factor that helps increase a woman's fertility. Couples who have sex during this time will have a significantly increased conception rate.
If during your period you feel arousal and sexual desire is higher during sex with your partner, it could be because ovulation is taking place. According to experts, women often notice an increased desire for sex before and during ovulation. Because during these days, the amount of the hormone estrogen increases to its peak, causing a sharp change in LH levels, thereby boosting a woman's desire during ovulation. This helps "sex" between two people more sublimated, increasing the possibility of climax and increasing the chance of pregnancy.

Another cause of increased libido during ovulation can also be due to a woman's male hormone significantly increased during this time. According to a study by the University of Lethbridge (Canada) conducted on some women during the ovulatory period, women tend to think about sex more. On average, each woman thinks about sex 0.77 times a day. However, in the 3 days near ovulation, this rate increases to 1.3 times/day and tends to think more about men and feel more passionate.
The increase in hormones during ovulation makes a woman more desirable for sex. On the day of ovulation, testosterone and estrogen in the body increase to the highest level, helping to increase the need for pillows and vitality in the female body. At that time, the body also immediately transmits a signal to the central organ of the brain to stimulate sexual arousal for the woman. The hormonal surge during this period also makes women more delicate and sensitive than ever. Men can predict this stage of her by noting changes in her actions, eyes, and words. In particular, during the ovulation period, women tend to dress more elegantly, their skin is ruddy, more beautiful, and their faces radiate an extremely attractive femininity. Men should try to take advantage of these times of the month to harmonize the sexual relationship between the couple. Emotions during the relationship are sublimated will make the couple's love more passionate and connected.
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