Why do some people stay optimistic most of their lives?

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Optimism is a peaceful, calm and positive attitude towards all situations, even adverse ones, which helps people always feel light and peaceful life. Some studies show that there are people who stay optimistic for most of their lives even when faced with serious challenges. So what is the reason for this long-term optimism?

1. What do optimistic people think?

Studies that examine optimism levels between the ages of 16 and 100 show that optimism often increases continuously during adolescence, then stabilizes and declines in adulthood. It is not only those who have a favorable life that have lasting optimism, but even those in difficult situations when interviewed show a positive and forward-looking spirit.
Contrary to popular belief, supposedly negative emotional events like death or divorce don't actually change people's optimistic outlook on the future. People always choose to focus on the things that make them happy and maintain emotional balance after facing difficult times.
The period when people tend to be optimistic looking at the positive sides of life is usually around the age of 15 to 60, this is partly related to their successful experiences in work and life . This is a time when people have enough health and self-control to find purpose in work, build desirable relationships or in short, partially control their own future. Therefore, they tend to look forward to a bright future despite facing adversity in life.
On the contrary, as we enter old age, optimism can be diminished by worries about health or the sense that we are approaching the end of life. Many people think that retirement age is when people stop working and have time to relax or pursue their hobbies but this does not give them a better outlook on life.

2. How to live more optimistically?

2.1. Cultivate optimism

Optimism doesn't mean ignoring the negatives of life but just focusing on the positives as much as possible, this is something that takes practice to become a habit. Practice writing about a positive future: writing down goals and dreams that come true can help absorb a positive thought more than just thinking about it. Finding positivity even in negative situations can show persistence in your optimistic mindset and provide motivation to face life's difficulties.

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2.2.Increase gratitude

Noticing and appreciating the positives in life is an effective way to improve mood to help people become more optimistic:
Can directly express gratitude for the help of others Or journal about things that make you feel happy like great achievements or relationships. This will help remind yourself of the positive things in life that still exist and be optimistic about the future. Sharing the good things that you have achieved with relatives and friends can make these joys spread and you will also receive optimism from those around you.

2.3.Fighting negative thoughts

Focusing on the negative is not only annoying, but it also reduces your productivity in solving problems. Therefore, it's really important to consider whether it's worth thinking about the negative issue that just happened or telling yourself to deal with the issue at another opportune time when the spirit has become more mature. more lucid.
Instead of being stuck in negative thoughts, coming up with practical solutions can solve problems more thoroughly. In addition, you can distract yourself from these feelings with activities such as watching movies, listening to music, or entertaining others.
Negative thoughts can be active in your thoughts for a long time but this can be changed over time by cognitive-behavioral methods like asking yourself if this negative thought is really true or imagine what you would say to a friend if they were worried about this.
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Reference sources: mhanational.org, webmd.com
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