Why do children have sleep disorders?

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Sleep disorders in children cause symptoms: restless sleep, tossing, crying... Sleep disorders are also manifested by sleep time: Children sleep less, have difficulty falling asleep, go to bed very late ... Insomnia makes children tired, anorexic and slow to grow. So what causes children to have sleep disorders?
Sleep disorders in young children due to the following causes:

1. Causes of physiological sleep disorders

There are 2 types of REM - NREM sleep (NREM sleep accounts for 75% of total sleep time, REM sleep accounts for 25% of total sleep time), but in infants REM sleep alone accounts for 50%, characteristics of this sleep is when the child sleeps the organs in the body increase again: the heart beats faster, breathing faster, the brain increases metabolism... Just a small movement can easily wake the baby and the Short wake-ups also wake the baby up completely.
In addition, during the period of rapid development of children, there are times when babies are easy to sleep, fussy, such as when the baby is about to crawl, teething, going to walk, exercise too much during the day or eat less. too, so full...

Trắc nghiệm: Sự phát triển tinh thần, vận động của bé thế nào là đúng chuẩn?

Khi nào bé biết nói, biết hóng chuyện hay biết cầm cốc là "đúng chuẩn"? Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu mốc phát triển tinh thần, vận động "đúng chuẩn" của bé nhé!

The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Ma Văn Thấm , Nhi , Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

Ma Văn Thấm
Ma Văn Thấm
Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa,
Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

2. Causes of pathological sleep disorders

Bệnh lý hàng đầu gây rối loạn giấc ngủ ở trẻ em, nhất là trẻ sơ sinh đang còn trong giai đoạn bú mẹ là bệnh còi xương
Bệnh lý hàng đầu gây rối loạn giấc ngủ ở trẻ em, nhất là trẻ sơ sinh đang còn trong giai đoạn bú mẹ là bệnh còi xương
The leading disease causing sleep disturbances in children, especially infants who are still breastfed, is rickets, due to calcium deficiency in infants, leading to sleep disorders in infants. Therefore, when seeing an infant showing signs of sleep disorder in a newborn, mothers should take their child to see a doctor to see if the infant has rickets for timely treatment, because rickets if If treated early, there will be no sequelae to the infant in the future such as flattened head, protruding forehead, protruding chest, arched legs: letter O, letter X, low height...
Missing some Micronutrients: especially zinc, magnesium deficiency is also the cause of sleep disorders in infants, including older children.
Newborns are suffering from a number of acute or chronic infections such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, especially VA, making the child's nose difficult to breathe, also causing sleep disturbance.
Newborns with respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, brain diseases... are also the main causes of sleep disturbances. Children with chronic diseases such as bronchial asthma, COPD, abdominal pain, bloating, hyperactivity, nervous stimulation, concentration disorders... all have consequences of sleep disorders. in infants and can make sleep disorders worse.

3. Other causes

Có thể do trẻ ăn không đủ bị đói cũng gây chứng rối loạn giấc ngủ ở trẻ sơ sinh
Có thể do trẻ ăn không đủ bị đói cũng gây chứng rối loạn giấc ngủ ở trẻ sơ sinh
Because the child's bedroom does not have enough air because the door is closed, the bedroom temperature is too hot or cold, the sleeping place is too noisy, the lights are too bright... sleep disorders in infants.
Late sleep can be a sleep disorder in babies. This is because some babies usually only sleep deeply from 2 to 4 am and have difficulty waking up in the morning and therefore wake up late. Due to lack of sleep, babies will be less active at school, doze during the day, and be tired. To improve this sleep disorder, let your child get up early, expose him to morning sunlight, and put him to bed at a fixed time.
Due to poor hygiene conditions: wet diapers are not changed, clothes are not clean, bedding is not clean, making children itchy, uncomfortable, and unable to sleep, leading to sleep disturbances.
Sleep for children and especially infants is extremely important, when babies have symptoms of sleep disorders, parents should find out the cause, if necessary, let their children go. See your doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment. Create the best possible conditions for babies to have a good night's sleep, practice the habit of putting babies to sleep on time, so that they can eat well, grow up quickly and be healthy.
Putting babies to sleep the wrong way:
Sleeping too much during the day (sleeping past 5pm). Infant sleep depends on too many external factors: Hammock, electric crib, even parents, if there are no factors on babies, certain babies will not sleep. Baby's sleeping place needs to be cozy, low wind, quiet. If the child sleeps in an environment that is too noisy, too bright, or has to change sleeping places frequently, it will create a feeling of unsafety and difficulty sleeping. When babies have sleep problems, you need to observe the cause to find a way to fix it. If you need medical help. Please make an appointment on the website to be served.
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