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Articles in Treatment of insomnia

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Side effects of sleeping pills
Sleeping pills or sedatives that induce sleep are commonly used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, insomnia, and poor sleep. However, in addition to the treatment effect, sleeping pills can cause some unwanted side effects, affecting the patient's health. To use drugs safely and effectively, understanding the side effects of sleeping pills is indispensable.
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What are the uses of Stilux?
Stilux contains the active ingredient Rotundin. This is an active substance with a sedative effect. This active ingredient is extracted from the tubers of lime vase, which has been used for a long time in traditional medicine with the effect of sedation, pain relief and deep sleep.
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Precautions while using Zopistad
Zopistad is used to treat short-term or temporary insomnia. So what should you pay attention to when using Zopistad?
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Notes when using the drug Rotundin 60mg
Rotundin medicine 60 mg is a sedative made from an herb called lime jar, which has the effect of helping to improve sleep and reduce pain effectively. Although this method is effective, it is very easy to cause dependence on the drug, and can even cause addiction. Therefore, when using the drug Rotundin you need to be very careful.
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Does Pruzena antiemetic drug affect the fetus?
Pruzena is used to relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and to treat vomiting caused by morning sickness. The following is the information about Pruzena antiemetic drug need to know before taking the drug.
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Uses of Lopassi
Lopassi is a herbal preparation with sedative effects used to treat insomnia, nervous depression, palpitations. Let's learn about Lopassi through the article below.
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Uses of Belsomra
Belsomra is indicated for the treatment of insomnia, difficulty in falling asleep, poor sleep... However, when using Belsomra, patients need to learn information about the drug and follow the instructions of the treating doctor. to ensure safety. Belsomra should not be used in case of narcolepsy.
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Uses of Neuractine 2mg
Neuractine 2mg is a pharmaceutical product manufactured by Savi Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (SaVipharm). The drug is made in the form of film-coated tablets, often applied in the treatment of insomnia, insomnia or sleep maintenance. The specific uses and notes of the drug will be analyzed in more detail in the article below.
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How about insomnia during puberty?
Mất ngủ ở tuổi dậy thì là tình trạng thường gặp. Học sinh bị mất ngủ sẽ ảnh hưởng đến kết quả học tập và sinh hoạt trong cuộc sống. Bài viết dưới đây sẽ cung cấp thông tin về tình trạng mất ngủ ở thanh thiếu niên và giải pháp khắc phục.
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How many hours of sleep a day is enough?
Ngày nay đời sống kinh tế, xã hội ngày càng phát triển kéo theo áp lực cuộc sống gia tăng khiến tình trạng rối loạn giấc ngủ, không ngủ đủ giấc ngày một trở nên phổ biến và nghiêm trọng. Nhiều người không biết ngủ bao nhiêu giờ là đủ và cách làm thế nào để ngủ đủ giấc mỗi ngày.
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4 stages of a sleep
Giấc ngủ bình thường có 2 chu kỳ: NREM (Non Rapid Eye Movement: giấc ngủ không chuyển động mắt nhanh) và REM (Rapid eye movement: giấc ngủ có chuyển động mắt nhanh). Trong đó, chu kỳ NREM chia thành 4 giai đoạn.
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