When to use Omega 3 oil for baby weaning?

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After 6 months, when babies start to eat solid foods with solid foods than milk, their foods need to ensure enough 4 important groups of nutrients. Therefore, parents can use omega 3 oils for babies from this age onwards.

1. When to use omega 3 oil for baby weaning?

Omega 3 is a precursor to DHA, which plays an important role in the development of the baby's brain, eyesight and immune system. The addition of Omega 3 to the baby's diet can bring benefits such as:
Increases good cholesterol levels, reduces fats and triglycerides in the blood; Improve eyesight, protect children's eyes; Enhance memory, develop brain, increase concentration to help children learn more effectively; Alleviate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in some children. In general, Omega 3 is a very good fat for the body, so parents should give their children a lot of foods rich in this fatty acid to help them grow healthier.
So when should you use Omega 3 oil for baby weaning? In fact, in the first 6 months, the baby's main food is breast milk because there is a lot of fat in breast milk, so parents do not need to give their babies nutritious cooking oil during this period (except for some children). Special case).
After 6 months, when babies start to eat solid foods with solid foods (powder, soup, porridge, rice...). At this time, children's food needs to ensure enough 4 important groups of nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber - vitamins). Therefore, cooking oil begins to be used regularly from this age onwards.
When cooking for children, the child's bowl of porridge and flour should not lack oil. Fish oil and seed oils (canola oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil) ... are rich in Omega 3. While oils extracted from fruits such as palm oil, olive oil, corn oil, etc. ... is rich in Omega 6 (precursor of ARA, helping to increase the body's protective inflammatory response). Gac oil is rich in beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A that helps improve children's eyesight. Thus, parents can completely alternately use cooking oils to supplement a variety of nutrients for the baby.

Cha mẹ có thể sử dụng dầu omega 3 cho bé ăn dặm từ 6 tháng trở đi
Cha mẹ có thể sử dụng dầu omega 3 cho bé ăn dặm từ 6 tháng trở đi

2. How much is enough omega 3 oil for weaning children?

Using omega 3 oil for baby weaning is essential, but not all parents know the correct dosage? In general, when giving any kind of nutritional oil to young children, it should be used from little to no more to see if it is suitable, whether the child wants to eat it or not and what is the child's health status? For example, if a child has diarrhea, the amount of fat in the child's diet should be reduced.
Children under 2 years old are the period when they need a lot of nutrients and energy to develop and perfect the organs in the body. This is also the period when children have a high rate of physical development and grow up day by day, so parents need to add a lot of fat in the diet. Depending on the age, interests, and health status of the child, it can be up to 30% of the serving size or more.
Children's food at this stage is mainly liquid food (no stir-fried or fried dishes). Therefore, in a bowl of flour or soup, a child's porridge needs about 10ml of cooking oil.
After 2 years of age, the child's growth rate slows down. Most babies have enough teeth to chew solid foods. At this time, children's foods are more diverse and have more choices, children can also share food with adults (but need to be softened and shredded). Therefore, the amount of Omega 3 oil in the diet will increase or decrease flexibly depending on the way the food is prepared, the eating preferences and the physical condition of the child, not as fixed as before the age of 2. For example, if parents observe that their children are often moody, forgetful, lose focus, have blurred vision, etc., they may consider increasing the amount of omega 3 oils for their children to eat daily.
Refer to the amount of grease used for children in 1 day:
Newborn babies (under 6 months old): Each meal add from 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of cooking oil (about 2.5 - 5ml) for each meal. flour, soup, porridge; Children from 1 to 2 years old: Each meal add 1.5 - 2 spoons (about 7-10ml) to flour, soup, porridge; Children over 2 years old, each meal 2 tablespoons of oil (10ml) add to the diet or use for processing.

Dùng dầu omega 3 cho bé ăn dặm là điều cần thiết
Dùng dầu omega 3 cho bé ăn dặm là điều cần thiết

3. Note when using Omega-3 oil for babies

When you want to use nutritional oil to provide fat for your baby, parents should pay attention to whether the oil used is diverse and helps the baby's development or not. Currently, on the market, there are many different types of nutritional oils and baby oils, each with its own advantages, so it is necessary to use alternating and diverse to maximize benefits. Children should not eat the same type of oil for a long time because it can lead to both excess and deficiency.
In addition, the preservation of cooking oil should also be noted. Cooking oil is often sensitive to temperature, light and oxygen, so it is advisable to store baby's cooking oil in a cool, dry, and airy place. The oil bottle should only be taken out of the storage place for a short time when it needs to be used and processed. Particularly vegetable oils such as coconut oil, palm oil... contain many saturated fatty acids that can be left at room temperature.
In addition to choosing the time for children to eat cooking oil, parents should also add necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to help children improve their taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, strengthen their resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
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