Home Tag Stomach Hp bacteria

Articles in Stomach Hp bacteria

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Treatment and care of patients with peptic ulcer disease
Hello doctor, I have peptic ulcer disease and HP bacteria that have not been cured in many places, the symptoms are full and painful, hunger also hurts, heartburn, belching, heat, indigestion, difficult bowel movements what to do with the towel?
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Indirect contact, can stomach HP bacteria spread?
Hi doctor! Today, I accidentally let my friend drink a can of coke, my friend is currently being treated for gastric HP, you touched the can with your mouth, so it indirectly transmitted saliva to her.
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Breath test and gastric HP infection but can't do endoscopy?
Hi doctor! May I ask: I have had a breath test and have a gastric HP infection, but I can't do an endoscopy? If I do not have a gastroscopy, will the doctor prescribe medication? In addition, I want to ask if I want to buy a prescription, can I be prescribed by a doctor when only the results are by breath test? Currently, my stomach is normal, no pain and sometimes reflux. Ask your doctor for advice and answers. I sincerely thank!
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Sharing food with each other can also be infected with HP bacteria
The habit of eating together, picking up food for each other or serving rice, blowing soup for children seems to be "harmless" but also infects HP bacteria. In the cases of gastric cancer, more than 70% of patients have HP (+). With early detection and timely intervention, you can still avoid stomach cancer.
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Is there a possibility of HP infection when the H. Pylori test is positive?
Hello doctor, I went for a test and got the following index results: H.Pylori (detects IgG and CIM factor - determines H.P in an active state) - CIM - negative - IgG - negative .
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What should we eat to eradicate Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach?
What to eat and what to avoid in order to eradicate gastric Helicobacter pylori are common questions among many individuals, especially those who have Helicobacter pylori in their gastrointestinal tracts and their family members.
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Tests to check stomach HP bacteria
Helicobacter pylori (HP) is a type of bacteria that infects the digestive system. Many people with HP have no symptoms of infection, but for others, the bacteria can cause a variety of digestive disorders such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, and some types of stomach cancer.
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HP virus is contagious and how is it transmitted?
Stomach HP bacteria is a type of bacteria that lives and develops in the human stomach. In the stomach environment, HP bacteria survive by secreting an enzyme called Urease to neutralize acidity and survive, which is also the main cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer.
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Is HP positive bacteria dangerous?
After performing diagnostic tests, if the patient receives a positive HP bacteria result, it means that the stomach is infected with HP bacteria. Currently, there are several methods that can be used to test for HP bacteria in the stomach such as: Rapid urea test, gastric endoscopy, blood test, stool test... Each type of HP bacteria test has different criteria for evaluating positive HP bacteria and has different accurate results.
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Common diseases of the stomach
The stomach plays an important role in the human body as a place to receive and store nutrients as well as a place to metabolize food. Below are the most common diseases of the stomach.
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