What is the lack of a substance in the body that has cramps?

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Many people wonder what the body is missing because they often have cramps and worry about this condition. In fact, there are many causes of cramps, but if you often get cramps, it could be because the body is lacking in some essential nutrients.

Cramp is a condition in which one or a group of muscles suddenly contracts and causes very uncomfortable muscle pain. Cramps most commonly occur during exercise, or after exercise, and can even occur when the body is resting at night.
There are a number of other disorders similar to cramps that need to be distinguished as ischemia, dystonia, delusional cramps, Tetany attacks.

1. Who often gets cramps?

Cramps can occur in both healthy young adults and frail elderly people. Anyone can get cramps, however, the following groups of people are most likely to experience cramps:
Pregnant women: The growing fetus in the womb compresses the nerves and blood vessels in the legs. , making pregnant women very prone to cramps. In addition, another factor that increases the risk of cramps in pregnant women is electrolyte imbalance during pregnancy. Elderly people: As they age, muscle and nerve functions decline, so middle-aged or older people often experience numbness in their limbs or muscle cramps and spasms. People with a lot of muscle: Athletes, especially swimmers or runners, who often use muscles often experience cramps if they do not warm up before exercising or working. mechanically.

Phụ nữ đang mang thai là một trong các đối tượng hay bị chuột rút
Phụ nữ đang mang thai là một trong các đối tượng hay bị chuột rút

2. Body cramps are lacking in what substance?

There are many known causes of cramps, of which lack of substance is likely to cause cramps to occur more often. So what is the lack of substance in body cramps?
Calcium: Calcium is an important mineral for the body, especially bones and joints. The ability to contract muscles also depends on the amount of calcium in the blood. If calcium deficiency, the risk of muscle spasms, muscle pain will be higher. To ensure that the body's calcium needs are met, in addition to the main meals should drink more milk or eat yogurt, cheese, ... Magnesium: While calcium is a significant substance with the ability to contract muscles, Magnesium is involved in muscle relaxation. Cramps are often caused by a disorder in the contractile function of the muscles due to a lack of both calcium and magnesium. It's rare for us to be severely deficient in magnesium, but it's also a mineral that our bodies don't get enough of due to a diet lacking in whole grains, legumes, dark green vegetables, and fruits. If you want to supplement calcium and magnesium, you need to have a blood chemistry test to check and consult your doctor. Potassium: Potassium is also an essential mineral for muscle contraction, and is involved in the functioning of cells. Or cramps may be due to a lack of potassium, then the muscles will be weak, or spasm and reduce their ability to function. To ensure that the body receives enough potassium to work muscles, it is necessary to increase fresh vegetables such as apples and carrots. The addition of potassium with supplements should be prescribed by a doctor to avoid excess potassium harmful to the body. Sodium: A lack of sodium due to drinking too much water that dilutes sodium levels, excessive sweating, or impaired kidney function can be the cause of frequent cramps. Sodium supplementation can be made by adding a little salt to a meal. Vitamin B group: The nervous system in the body is conduction thanks to the participation of group B vitamins. Lack of vitamin B6 can cause cramps because vitamin B6 performs the task of transporting glucose to cells and many other reactions in the body. Cramps caused by vitamin B6 deficiency are most common in people who have a habit of drinking a lot of alcohol, eating not enough nutrients. Meanwhile, vitamin B12 deficiency also affects muscle contraction activity, leading to or cramping. Vitamin B12 deficiency also leads to anemia, in addition to affecting DNA synthesis and nerve transmission. B vitamins can be supplemented by fortifying foods such as eggs, milk, meats and seafood, nuts such as walnuts, dark green vegetables such as spinach, ... or taking oral supplements. Vitamin D: Vitamin D is not directly involved in muscle contraction, but it is a mineral that helps absorb and stabilize calcium in the blood for healthy bones. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency leads to calcium deficiency and makes cramps more frequent. To supplement vitamin D for the body, in addition to exposure to sunlight, it is necessary to increase foods such as milk, liver, and oily fish.

Nếu hay bị chuột rút thì bạn nên bổ sung vitamin D vào chế độ ăn hàng ngày
Nếu hay bị chuột rút thì bạn nên bổ sung vitamin D vào chế độ ăn hàng ngày

3. Cramping what to do?

Ensuring a complete and balanced diet is very important to prevent cramps. If cramps are caused by other causes, for immediate relief of this pain, you can try one of the following:
Stretch: When you have leg cramps, stand up straight and lean on a statue. , bend the leg by bending the knee, then pull the leg back up with your hand. In the case of calf muscle cramps, you also stand up straight and bring the leg that is cramp forward, bend forward to exert your body weight to help stretch the muscle in the cramped leg. If you have leg cramps, you can sit with your legs straight, then use your hands to pull the tips of your toes or feet to stretch as much as you can. This may make you feel more uncomfortable because of the pain, but the cramps will go away quickly. Muscle massage: If you often have cramps, you can immediately try a massage to warm the cramp area, helping to relieve muscle tension. Attention, it is necessary to massage gently so as not to make the cramps worse. Warm up muscles: Right at the spot where the cramp is, you can use a warm towel or warm water bottle to apply it, effectively reducing muscle tension and pain. Barefoot: Instead of using your hands to apply force to your legs, you can walk barefoot on the floor and put your weight on your toes to stretch. Body cramps are one of the signs that you are lacking in important nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamin D and group B. Pay attention to your diet to improve your condition. deficiency, to prevent cramps.

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