What is Caledo?

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Caledo is a drug belonging to the group of minerals and vitamins that supplement calcium for the body. This is a popular drug sold in most drugstores nationwide, users can easily find and buy.

1. Composition of the drug Caledo

What is Caledo? Caledo medicine has the main active ingredients: Calcium carbonate and Cholecalciferol. The drug is produced in the form of soft capsules, packed in a box of 20 blisters x 5 tablets.
Calcium carbonate ingredient helps improve the patient's health condition by neutralizing acid, thereby reducing acid reflux. In addition, the drug also has the potential to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who do not have enough calcium. Cholecalciferol component participates in bone formation, regulates blood calcium levels and participates in the process of cell differentiation in tissues.

2. Indications for the use of Caledo

Caledo is prescribed by a doctor for use in the following cases:
The drug is used for the treatment, control, prevention and improvement of the following diseases, symptoms and conditions: calcium supplements, stomach disorders and Acid indigestion, heartburn. In cases of calcium deficiency, convulsions may occur. Children are growing, rickets. Subjects are pregnant and lactating women who need calcium supplements. Supplement calcium to promote health and improve osteoporosis in the elderly. Supplement for patients on corticosteroid therapy.

3. What are the contraindications to taking Celado?

Some cases should not use Celado such as:
Patients with kidney disease, kidney stones. The patient has a blood calcium level in excess of the allowable range. Patients with signs of severe dehydration should not supplement with Celado. The patient has an overactive parathyroid gland. Patients with comorbidities with syndromes such as hypercalcemia, hypercalcemia in the urine, hypersensitivity to vitamin D, calcium stones or patients lying motionless. Patients with tumors that cause bone loss.

4. How to use and dose for each case

The drug is prepared in the form of soft capsules, so it should be used orally. Patients should take Celado with water, not with alcoholic beverages and stimulants.
For adults with osteoporosis: take from 2500-7500 mg/day, take 2-4 doses per day. For adults with hypocalcemia: 900-2500 mg/day, divided into 2-4 doses. This dosage may vary depending on the patient's serum calcium level. For adults with digestive disorders: 300-8000 mg/day divided into 2-4 doses. In this case, the dose of the drug can be increased as needed and tolerated to relieve the symptoms of the disease. The maximum dose that can be used is from 5500 - 7980mg. However, this dose should not be used for more than 2 weeks, unless directed by the treating doctor. For adults with stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, people with erosive esophagitis: Use from 1250-3750 mg/day divided into 2-4 times and the dose can be increased as needed. needed to reduce discomfort caused by the disease. The maximum dose of Celado in this case can be up to 5500 - 7980 depending on the product used. However, patients should not exceed the maximum daily dose for more than 2 weeks, unless otherwise directed by a doctor. For rickets: Every 6 months, take 1 dose of 5mg, equivalent to 200,000UI, the dose will be 10mg, equivalent to 400.00UI in case the child rarely gets sun or dark skin.

5. Side effects of the drug Celado

Patients while using Celado should notify their doctor when the following symptoms appear:
Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. Constipation . Headache, tiring. Overdosage can cause hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, joint pain. Long-term use of the drug can cause kidney stones or high blood pressure. Some other signs may be encountered such as: weakness, diarrhea, brittle bones, ... Celado drug is a calcium supplement for patients with diseases caused by calcium deficiency. Dosage varies depending on the patient's health condition. Although, it is easy to find and use, but patients should still see a doctor for advice and appropriate dosage.

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