What is an infectious disease?

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Once infected with infectious diseases, the patient's body will have a humoral immune response and a cell-mediated immune response. This is called immunity. Depending on the type of disease and the human body, immunity is formed with different levels and duration of protective immunity.

1. What is an infectious disease?

Infectious disease, also known as contagious disease, is a very common form of disease. The cause of infectious diseases is caused by microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites), which can be transmitted in the community by many different routes and can become epidemic areas with number of people infected.
However, when infected with infectious diseases, the patient's body will have a humoral immune response and a cell-mediated immune response. This is called immunity. Depending on the type of disease and the human body, immunity is formed with different levels and duration of protective immunity.
Infectious diseases are classified according to the route of transmission and divided into 5 groups of diseases. Specifically:
Infectious diseases transmitted by blood Infectious diseases transmitted by the skin and mucous membranes Infectious diseases transmitted by the digestive tract Infectious diseases transmitted by the respiratory tract Infectious diseases can be transmitted by many routes

2. Characteristics of infectious diseases

Bệnh truyền nhiễm do các vi sinh vật gây ra
Bệnh truyền nhiễm do các vi sinh vật gây ra

2.1. General characteristics of infectious diseases
Usually, common characteristics of infectious diseases are as follows:
Infectious diseases can be transmitted from sick people to healthy people by many different ways. Diseases caused by microorganisms are called pathogens. Usually each infectious disease is caused by one type of pathogen, but in some cases it can be caused by two or more pathogens. It can be transmitted by one way, but it can also be transmitted by many ways. The disease develops in stages and takes place one after another. Following infection with infectious diseases, the human body develops humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. That process is called protective immunity. 2.2. Infectious Disease Development Stage
Incubation period: Most people do not feel any symptoms during this stage. The incubation period will depend on the type of disease, the amount and toxicity of the pathogen, and the body's resistance. Period of onset: Symptoms of the disease appear but are not severe and most rampant. The onset of the disease occurs in one of two ways: gradually or suddenly. Full-blown period: This stage is when the disease develops most vigorously, has the most symptoms, and is the most severe. Complications are also common during this period. Remission period: Due to the resistance of the patient's body and the impact of treatment, pathogens and toxins are gradually eliminated from the body. Symptoms of the disease in the full-fledged period also gradually disappeared. Recovery period: After pathogens and their toxins are eliminated from the patient's body, the damaged organs gradually recover, leaving only minor disturbances. However, continued monitoring is required because some cases recur.

3. Treatment of infectious diseases

Điều trị bệnh truyền nhiễm bằng các loại thuốc khàng sinh
Điều trị bệnh truyền nhiễm bằng các loại thuốc khàng sinh

Treatment of infectious diseases requires specific treatment, pathogenesis, symptomatic treatment and nutritional care. Specifically:
Specific treatment: Kill the disease-causing mechanism. Germicidal drugs are usually antibiotics and pharmaceutical chemicals, herbs.. Treatment according to the pathogenesis: This is a particularly important measure for viral diseases, because currently drugs have real effects. virus eradication is very low. This method is intended to prevent or correct pathological disorders. Symptomatic treatment: Relieving symptoms, making the patient more comfortable, this is a necessary supportive treatment. Care and nutrition regime: Care and nutrition are very important factors, so in addition to disease treatment, you must pay attention to the care and nutrition regime.

4. Prevention of infectious diseases

Thường xuyên rửa tay sát khuẩn để phòng chống bệnh truyền nhiễm
Thường xuyên rửa tay sát khuẩn để phòng chống bệnh truyền nhiễm

Infectious diseases can enter the body through: Skin, inhalation of airborne germs; eating contaminated food or water; being bitten by an insect or bitten by a mosquito; unprotected sex.
Therefore, to prevent illness, people should follow the following methods to reduce the risk of infecting themselves or others:
Wash hands often: Before and after preparing food, before eating And after using the toilet, you need to wash your hands with an antiseptic solution. Fully Vaccinated: Fully vaccinated can reduce the risk of many diseases. Do not go to work or school if you have symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. Eat cooked, drink boiled, choose clean food and water. Sanitize your body, place of residence, study and work regularly. Do not share personal items (toothbrush, comb, razor blade...). Avoid sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils. Have safe sex using a condom. Loyalty 1 wife 1 husband. Do not travel to an epidemic area. Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment. Therefore, when there are any health problems, the patient can completely rest assured for examination and treatment at the Hospital.
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