What iron supplements should be eaten for people with iron deficiency anemia?

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Iron deficiency anemia can have serious consequences, affecting the health and quality of life of the patient. In addition to complying with the treatment method, the diet is also very important. Some iron-fortified foods that sick people should eat such as eggs, beef, liver, dark green vegetables,...

1. How does iron deficiency anemia affect the body?

Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia, this is a condition in which the amount of hemoglobin in the blood of the patient is reduced compared to normal people of the same age, sex and living conditions. The disease causes effects on mental function, memory in adolescents, as well as fatigue and reduced ability to work in adults. Patients with iron deficiency anemia often present with symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, decreased concentration, decreased attention and irritability. Severe and prolonged iron deficiency anemia will lead to a lack of oxygen in the blood that can damage organs of the body such as the heart, brain,...
Iron deficiency anemia not only affects health but also reduce the patient's quality of life. Children with anemia often have poorer academic performance, with workers affecting work capacity. Therefore, in addition to complying with the treatment method of the doctor, the patient needs a suitable diet to help supplement iron quickly and prevent recurrence of the disease.
MORE: Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy: Prevention tips

Thiếu máu gây ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng cuộc sống của người bệnh
Thiếu máu gây ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng cuộc sống của người bệnh

2. What should eat iron supplements for people with iron deficiency anemia?

2.1 Dietary iron supplement for adults

For adults, the iron supplement diet needs to follow the principle of ensuring balance and meeting the needs of the body's necessary nutrients. Accordingly, the diet needs to balance between animal protein and vegetable protein. In addition, the supplementation of iron-containing foods must be ensured according to the needs and recommendations of the patient's age and gender.
Some iron supplements for people with iron deficiency anemia include:
Animal protein
Meat: red meats contain a lot of iron such as beef, veal, pork, turkey, liver, blood,. .. The amount to be used in the range of 45-60g protein corresponds to 200-300g of meat/day. Seafood: seafood groups such as mackerel, salmon, scallops, snails, oysters... need to eat 2-3 meals/week. Eggs: is a food containing many nutrients such as protein, lipid, glucide, ... especially in egg yolk contains a lot of iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin A,... Accordingly, patients should Eat 2-3 eggs/week. Vegetable protein:
Dark green vegetables: including cruciferous vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, watercress,... Every day, patients with iron deficiency anemia need to use from 300-400g corresponding to one bowl of vegetables/meal. Beans and nuts: soybeans, peas, peanuts, almonds, cashews,... Fruits
In addition to animal and vegetable proteins, fruits such as grapes, blueberries, pomegranates, Cherries, strawberries are also very good for people with iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, you should use from 100-200g of ripe fruit/day. Besides, these fruits are also rich in vitamin C which improves blood flow and enhances iron absorption.
In addition, patients with iron deficiency anemia need to limit the use of foods that inhibit iron absorption such as tea, coffee, ... For treatment results to be highly effective, patients need to Strictly follow the doctor's instructions, personal hygiene and environment to prevent worm and fluke infections.
SEE ALSO: Iron supplements for children with anemia

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Các thực phẩm từ protein động vật giúp bổ sung sắt ở người thiếu máu

2.2 Dietary iron supplement for young children

Causes of iron deficiency anemia in young children are mainly due to lack of breast milk, inappropriate nutrition such as drinking non-iron-fortified formula milk, eating powdered food lacking animal foods,... In addition Children born prematurely or with comorbidities such as prolonged diarrhea, malabsorption, worm infections, nosebleeds, and menstrual periods at puberty also put children at risk of iron deficiency anemia
To ensure For children's health to develop comprehensively, parents need to supplement iron for their children according to the principle of supplementing according to needs and recommendations on weight, height, age and sex. In addition, feed children with a variety of substances such as breast milk, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, and lipids. Increase iron-rich foods in the daily menu. In addition, parents should also add foods that help absorb iron such as fruits containing a lot of vitamin C such as grapes, grapefruit, orange juice, tangerines,...
MORE: Iron-rich foods for children
One Some foods young children should eat to help supplement iron include:
Breast milk: mothers should exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first 6 months and continue breastfeeding until 2 years old. Milk and dairy products: Milk not only contains blood-nourishing minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, ... but also rich in vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin C, which play an important role in iron storage and formation. red blood cells, effectively improving anemia. Red meat and organs: beef, pork, lamb, liver, kidney, heart,... Eggs: Parents should feed their children 3-4 eggs/week. Fish and shellfish: anchovies, sardines, sardines, crabs, shrimp, mussels, etc. Children should eat 3-4 fish meals/week. Nuts: walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pecans, sesame seeds,... Green vegetables: broccoli, watercress, spinach, kale,... cereals and cereal products: bread, bran meal, cornmeal, oats, rye,... Beans and legumes: peas, chickpeas, baked beans, lentils, black-eyed peas ,... Dried fruits: raisins, apricots, plums,... Chocolate, cocoa powder, ginger seed biscuits, curry powder,... are also among the children's favorite foods containing high iron content.

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Trẻ nên được bú sữa mẹ hoàn toàn trong 6 tháng đầu đời

In addition, parents need to give their children a lot of fruit with vitamin C to help absorb iron better. Besides, it is necessary to pay attention not to let children use foods that limit iron absorption such as drinking coca, milk tea, ... Parents also do not forget to periodically deworm children every 6 months to prevent disease helminths, hookworms,...
Iron deficiency anemia is a common form of anemia that affects the health and quality of life of patients. Therefore, when suffering from iron-deficiency anemia, in addition to following the treatment regimen of the doctor, the patient needs a suitable nutritional regimen to quickly replenish iron and prevent recurrence. If in the case of improvement with nutrition does not work, patients with iron deficiency anemia should go to medical facilities to receive advice from nutritionists.
With many years of experience in the examination and treatment of diseases, now Vinmec International General Hospital has become one of the major health care centers, capable of examining, screening and treating diseases. treat many serious diseases. Therefore, if iron deficiency anemia does not improve, patients can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and receive support and advice from doctors and nutritionists.

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