Hepa merz is typically used for liver disease, such as cirrhosis symptoms, hepatic coma, hepatitis, etc. Vinmec’s following article shows therapeutic uses, how to use it, and some notes when taking Hepa merz.
1. What is Hepa merz medication?
Hepa merz is produced by B. Braun Melsungen AG company with the main ingredient being L - orthinin - L - aspartat. The drug is prepared in the form of a concentrated solution and infusion. Packing specification of 5 vial boxes, 10 ml each.
This drug is used to treat some acute and chronic liver diseases, the pre-coma conditions (cognitive disorder). Especially, the drug is most commonly taken to relieve symptoms in people with advanced liver disease and neurological complications (hepatic encephalopathy).
2. Benefits of L-ornithine-L-aspartate in Hepa merz
L-ornithine-L-aspartate (LOLA) is a chemical. It is combined from Ornithine and Aspartic acid (2 types of amino acid), so this chemical is broken down in the body to provide Acid aspartic and Ornithine.
The active mechanism of LOLA: increasing the level of Ornithine and acid Aspartic in the body. These amino acids help reduce the amount of free ammonia in the blood to detoxify the liver effectively.
3. Indication of Hepa merz
Hepa merz is indicated in the following cases:
- Reducing the level of free ammonia in the early stage of neurological complications (hepatic coma), and conscious disorder (signs of pre–coma).
- Additionally, decreasing the symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhosis patients.
- Treatment supporting hepatic dysfunctions, acute or chronic hepatic diseases like cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver disease.
4. How to use Hepa merz
Hepa merz is used in an intravenous way (infusion or injection). The dosage is indicated by the doctor’s prescribes for each specific patient group:
- For acute hepatitis patients: 1 – 2 ampoules in a day
- For chronic hepatitis patients, cirrhosis: 2 – 4 ampoules in a day. If the patient is more serious, the dosage can be increased by the doctor’s opinion.
- For the patients in the pre-coma stage or hepatic coma: 8 ampoules can be used in a day, depending on the individual condition.
- The maximum infusion rate can be 5g/h and the maximum dosage is 6 ampoules/500ml infusion fluid.
In high infusion rate cases, you must follow up on the level of blood urea and urine urea of the patient.
In overdose cases or missed dose, you can handle as following:
- Overdose: There have not been any cases of overdose when using Hepa merz intravenously. Therefore, if you have any unusual symptoms, you should immediately notify your doctor for timely treatment.
- Missed dose: If you miss a dose, do not double your dose on your own and consult your doctor. When using the drug, some side effects may occur such as skin allergies, nausea, and vomiting. However, these side effects are very rare (incidence rate less than 0.1%). When experiencing any unusual reactions, you should immediately notify your doctor or pharmacist for monitoring and treatment.
Before using medication, you have to check the integrity of the packaging, the clarity and color of the solution, and the expiry date of the drug. Read the instructions for use carefully before taking it.
5. Contraindications to the drug Hepa merz
Do not use Hepa merz for the following cases:
- Impaired renal function, when creatinine level exceeds 3 mg/100 ml of blood plasma.
- People who are sensitive or at risk of allergies to any of these drugs.
- Pregnant women and breastfeeding women: There is not enough safety data on the use of this drug in pregnant women or breastfeeding women.
- Therefore, you should consult your doctor before taking the medicine.
- People who drive and use machines: There are no precise studies on the effects of Hepa merz on drivers and operators. However, you should also be very careful when using it.
6. Hepa merz drug interactions
Regarding the phenomenon of drug interactions, currently, there have not been any reports of interactions when used simultaneously with other drugs or foods. However, to ensure safety during the use of Hepa merz, patients should provide their doctor with a list of medications or foods they are taking.
7. Some notes about how to store the medicine
The most suitable storage conditions of Hepa merz medicine:
- Store in a dry place, away from moisture.
- Avoid direct sunlight, temperature should not exceed 30oC.
- Medicines should be stored in the original packaging.
Hepa merz is in the group of drugs for the treatment of liver disease with indicated doses depending on age and disease status. Drug users need to adhere to the dose prescribed by the doctor to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment, and to limit dangerous side effects.
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