What does Kale make the best?

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Kale is a type of cabbage that carries many nutrients such as vitamins, folic acid and fiber. The health benefits of kale are very good. So what does kale do to bring the highest health effects?

1.Some characteristics of kale when cooking food

Currently, kale is a relatively popular vegetable, housewives can buy it at most times of the year. Especially because there are many different types of kale, it can be found anywhere, even in extreme cold areas.
Before finding out what is suitable for kale, we need to know the most basic properties of kale, which is a vegetable that has a sweet but slightly bitter taste. The reason is because when cooked at low temperatures, kale and other cruciferous vegetables will happen through the process of converting starch molecules into sugar molecules that have a sweet taste.
Kale stalks are a bit stiff and fibrous, but this stalk can help answer the question of what kale is for if you know the following recipes:

Trước khi xào bạn nên cắt và thái nhỏ cuống cải xoăn kale
Trước khi xào bạn nên cắt và thái nhỏ cuống cải xoăn kale

Cut and finely chop the kale stalks before sautéing; Chop the stalk into pomegranate seeds to make soups; Cook or stew for a long time to make the broth from kale..

2. What does kale do?

Kale leaves are a bit thick, so they can be processed into different dishes by most methods such as boiling, stewing, steaming, baking in the microwave or stir-frying... Especially, we can eat them raw. Kale, but because of the tough nature of kale, it is a bit difficult to chew. So what does kale do?
2.1. Sauteed Garlic Kale The simplest and most convenient way to enjoy this nutritious vegetable is sauteed kale with garlic. First, put 2 to 3 tablespoons (about 30-45ml) of olive oil in a skillet on medium-high heat. Then add 2 minced garlic cloves to the pan and sauté for 1-2 minutes.
Finally, add about half a glass of filtered water or pre-prepared broth with about 450-700g of washed kale, stems and chopped leaves. Cover the pan and cook for about 5 minutes until the kale is tender or just to taste. Seasoning with spices and decorative vegetables to suit the user's taste is complete.
2.2. Kale chips or chips Set the oven to about 175°C and spread parchment paper on a baking tray. Rinse kale, drain, or blot with paper towels if necessary. Remove the kale leaves from the stalks and break them into small pieces. Put the chopped vegetables in a small bowl and pour the oil over. Gently stir the mixture so that the oil penetrates each kale leaf.
Then spread a thin layer of vegetables on the baking tray. Sprinkle with herbs or season to taste. Bake for about 15 minutes, until the leaves shrink and the edges turn light brown.
2.3. Kale pesto sauce Instead of using pine nuts as usual, the recipe in this article will use walnuts with the advantage of low cost but more outstanding flavor.
In a food processor blend 2 cups of chopped kale leaves (about 480ml), 1⁄4 cups of extra virgin olive oil (about 60ml), 2 cloves of garlic or 1⁄4 teaspoons of garlic powder and then perform grinding.
Continue to add about 1⁄4 cups of toasted walnuts and continue grinding until the mixture is smooth. Finally, add about 1/2 cup (120ml) of Parmesan cheese and blend for a while to get a delicious pesto sauce mixture.
This special sauce can be used with noodles or whole grains, served with fish, chicken or used as a pizza and biscuit sauce.

Sốt pesto cải xoăn
Sốt pesto cải xoăn

2.4. Kale Salad Kale is an easy dish to make, and it is a salad. However, because the cabbage leaves are a bit hard and fibrous, to soften, the cook can do it in 2 ways:
Put the cabbage leaves in a cup and then put olive oil on it and gently squeeze for 1-2 minutes; Blanch the cabbage leaves in boiling water for 1 minute. Remove the cabbage leaves and dip them in ice cold water to keep their green color intact. Strain out the blanching water, or pat dry with a paper towel. Pre-blanching kale leaves also helps reduce the bitter taste of this type of kale.

3.Some other ways to prepare kale

In addition to the above processing methods, we can refer to the following ways to combine kale with other dishes:
Add kale leaves to ingredients in soups, stews or braised; Chop kale leaves to add to the burger mix before baking; Use the large, hard leaves of lacinato kale to make rolls; Regular smoothies can be added to chopped kale leaves; Sauteed Kale with Onions; Stir-fried kale with garlic ; Kale white bean sauce. Kale is a vegetable rich in nutrients, so you can add this vegetable to your daily dishes. You can apply a number of ways to make dishes from kale above to change the taste and ensure nutrients.
In addition to nutrition, parents should supplement children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet nutritional needs. substances in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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Reference source: hsph.harvard.edu
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