[Vinmec - Q&A with experts] Number 01: The topic of insomnia (Part 2)

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Insomnia is a direct cause of fatigue, poor health, and is a warning sign of many serious diseases such as depression, heart disease, hormone changes....How to Treat insomnia effectively and completely? Let's consult experts in the Insomnia FAQ section below!
The questions were consulted by Doctor CKII Pham Thi Son - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital and Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long - Psychological Clinic - Vinmec Times City.

8. Reader Nguyen Thi Xuan (To Hieu, Le Chan, Hai Phong): Dear Doctor, this year I am 35 years old as an accountant, my work is always associated with computers, so I usually come home from work at night to Eyes rest for about 30 minutes. I really want to go to bed on time, but every time around 10-11am, when I go to bed, I am very awake, lying down for a while is past midnight. I have used over-the-counter herbs to help with sedation but it only works for a short time. Can insomnia be cured and what to do, Doctor? I really don't want to take medicine because taking it can cause many side effects.
Doctor CKII Pham Thi Son (Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital): Hello! Insomnia can be completely improved by applying measures such as:
Rearrange a reasonable time for yourself and change your lifestyle.
After overcoming the subjective cause but still can't sleep, look for a sleep aid with ingredients from natural herbs. Combine with a scientific diet, rest and regular exercise.
In case you have applied the above treatments and still have insomnia. You should see a Neurologist, or Psychiatrist to find the cause and treat it. Treatment for chronic insomnia usually lasts several months and is regularly monitored by a specialist. The initial phase of the treatment may be tiring for the patient. These symptoms will subside, the patient will be able to fall back to sleep and his/her health will improve.
Prolonged insomnia will cause fatigue, thinness, dizziness, depression, vegetative nervous disorders, personality changes, lack of concentration, poor work efficiency... Therefore, the treatment of insomnia is essential, a specialist doctor will help you treat it safely and effectively.

Mất ngủ kéo dài sẽ gây ra chóng mặt, mệt mỏi, làm việc thiếu tập trung
Mất ngủ kéo dài sẽ gây ra chóng mặt, mệt mỏi, làm việc thiếu tập trung

9. Friend Pham Minh Huong (Office worker in Minh Khai, Hanoi): Hello Doctor, this year I am 26 years old, an office worker. Lately, I always feel tired when I wake up in the morning, I'm sleepy all day, but I don't feel sleepy at night, even though I try not to use the phone and drink tea and coffee. before sleep. I have tried alternating with some relaxation exercises before bed but still no improvement. Dear Doctor, so what to do when you lose sleep?
Doctor CKII Pham Thi Son (Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital) : Hello! To treat insomnia, you can first apply some of the following sleep improvement measures:
Reduce stress. Do not sit at the computer for too long. Eat healthier, easier to digest. Maintain the right sleep time and get enough 8 hours of sleep for the body to get used to the circadian time. Make a scientific schedule for studying, working and having time to relax. Avoid working too late, limit stimulants (coffee, strong tea, tobacco...). Before going to bed, you should have some movements such as yoga, walking or taking a warm bath. Home remedies for insomnia include:
Do not force sleep, maintain a regular sleep schedule, avoid going to bed hungry and ensure a comfortable sleeping environment. Go to bed only when sleepy, reduce the time in bed. Avoid watching TV, reading, eating or worrying in bed. Set your alarm for the same time every morning (even on weekends) and avoid daytime naps.
If insomnia makes it difficult for you to function during the day, see your doctor to determine the cause of your sleep problems and how to treat them. If your doctor thinks you may have a sleep disorder, you'll be instructed to do tests and run some tests to make a diagnosis. Based on that, the doctor will give you appropriate advice.
10. My friend Nguyen Thu Trang (30 years old, Dong Da District, Hanoi) Hello Doctor, My 14-month-old baby is quite obedient. However, in recent days, I can't sleep well, often wake up many times in the middle of the night and cry. Grandparents said that it was a problem for children to have trouble sleeping and reminded them to take them to the doctor, but I was very confused because the child did not have any special symptoms. The doctor can advise the family on the reasons why the child has trouble sleeping at night and how to fix it?
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long (Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City): Your baby does not sleep soundly but still eats well, plays well. You need to monitor the external influences on the baby. The child's nervous system is very weak and easily stressed if it encounters adverse effects from the surrounding environment such as light, room temperature, noise, strangers holding, lulling... These stimuli affect causing the baby to toss and turn, having trouble sleeping, the child not sleeping well, crying at night.
Besides, sleep disorder in children also comes from causes such as:
When the body lacks calcium, children not only have rickets, but their central nervous system is also affected due to calcium deficiency. neurotransmitters are blocked, less active. Since then, sleep is disrupted, children have difficulty sleeping at night, toss and turn when sleeping. Do not have the right sleep habits, on time. Children often suffer from respiratory diseases such as cough, runny nose, leading to wheezing, Throat is full of phlegm, causing airway obstruction, making children uncomfortable and crying at night. Children who have to live in an unhappy family environment, are often scolded, bullied often sleepwalking or sleepwalking You should adjust the environmental factors around the baby. If insomnia does not improve, you should take your baby to a specialist to know the exact cause, thereby taking appropriate treatment.

Cho bé đi khám chuyên khoa để biết chính xác nguyên nhân, từ đó có biện pháp điều trị phù hợp
Cho bé đi khám chuyên khoa để biết chính xác nguyên nhân, từ đó có biện pháp điều trị phù hợp
11. My friend Pham Minh Son (18 years old, Gia Lam, Hanoi): Hello doctor, I am 18 years old and just finished the National High School Exam. Before, when studying was stressful, I really wanted to sleep but now I can't sleep at night for some reason. Hope your doctor can give you some advice. Thank you doctor!
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long (Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City): There are many causes of insomnia at night such as: Stress; Abuse of coffee, energy drinks; Excessive use of electronic devices; Asthma; Poor immune system; sedentary; Sitting at the computer for a long time; Inappropriate sleeping position; Closed bedroom ...
In your question, you do not specify your living habits, so it is not possible to accurately diagnose the cause of your insomnia at night. To improve insomnia, you can practice yoga, meditate before bed to really relax your mind, minimize thinking about other problems before going to bed. Do not drink water to avoid nocturia.
12. Uncle Tran Thi Minh Tam (Dinh Bang, Tu Son, Bac Ninh): Hello, I am 60 years old and have trouble sleeping for decades, the disease is common in old age. I was taken to the hospital by my son to be checked, the doctor prescribed a western medicine, when taken, it was also effective, but for a short time and often had side effects. I want to learn about the methods of treating insomnia with oriental medicine because herbs might be more benign? Ask your doctor for advice
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long (Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City): Oriental medicine focuses on treating the right cause of insomnia, treating the root cause of insomnia and treating insomnia. Regulating the five internal organs, improving physical strength and resistance should bring long-term effects.
Different from Western medicine for treating insomnia, which mainly focuses on treating symptoms, while treating insomnia according to Eastern medicine, it is concerned with the cause of the disease. In oriental medicine, insomnia is called ventricular lapse (ventricle: loss, hypnotic: sleep) or erratic (no: no, me: sleep), caused by damaged spleen, heart, and kidney failure.
Depending on the patient's type, age, gender and cause of the disease, the doctor will increase or decrease the number of drugs in the remedy for insomnia.

13. Friend Ha Minh Tuan (25 years old, Sales staff in Tay Ho, Hanoi) Doctor, my mother is 65 years old, used to go to many places about insomnia but cannot cure it completely because that is also the same problem. It is a common symptom in old age. So to limit taking western medicine, I want to refer to how to cure insomnia with lotus mind, a familiar and easy-to-find herb. However, to use lotus heart properly I would like to get advice from the doctor, thank you doctor!
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long (Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City): The lotus heart, also known as the lotus heart, contact heart, lotus heart, is the cotyledon contained in each lotus seed. Lotus heart has a bitter taste, a welding property, contains ingredients such as nuciferin, nelumbin, liensinin, ... has the effect of nourishing the mind, sedation, anti-arrhythmia, improving coronary circulation, stabilizing the heart. It determines a number of functions in the body that help improve sleep.
Lotus heart is good for people with thermal insomnia with symptoms: insomnia accompanied by hot flashes, tinnitus, dry mouth, red tongue, sharp pulse
Insomniacs in debilitated form, with cold symptoms : when sleeping or falling asleep, easy to wake up, tired, decreased eating and drinking, pale tongue, thin tongue moss, weak pulse ... but using lotus heart, the disease is more severe
In addition, drinking lotus heart is easy to cause trouble dyspepsia or loose stools. The ingredients with sedative effects of Lotus Tam are alkaloids. Long-term use is easy to accumulate toxicity in the body.
Therefore, before using, your mother needs to be examined to know the exact condition of the disease.
How to properly use lotus heart is as follows:
Carefully selected lotus heart has clear origin, no mold, quality assurance to avoid being poisoned when drinking Gold Star before use to reduce solderability (cold) ) of Tam Lotus 14. Uncle Pham Van Minh (Ngo Quyen, Hai Phong): Hello doctor, I am 58 years old this year, a retired office worker. Maybe I just retired, so I'm not used to being idle, sitting idle all day makes me sluggish in my body, but I feel useless and redundant. I'm tired during the day, but at night I can't sleep. An old co-worker told me that I might have insomnia and depression, is that true?
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long (Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City): First, it is necessary to determine if your condition is insomnia and depression by going to see a doctor, to have Treatment direction for correct
Depression insomnia symptoms :
Most depressed patients often have sleep disturbances. In addition, insomnia aggravates other diseases. With insomnia of depressive origin, self-medication can only cure the top. When drinking, it will make you feel calm and sleepy right away, but it can't cure depression. Not to mention, some drugs like Lexomil used to treat depression are also addictive, and if abused, the disease will get worse. Long-term insomnia will lead to amnesia, memory disorders, especially mental illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia. In fact, many people with insomnia often abuse sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription or abuse stimulants such as alcohol to find sleep.
Insomnia in depressed patients often combines a number of physical symptoms such as headache, fatigue, nervousness, constipation, stomach pain,... accompanied by sleep disturbance

Mất ngủ ở bệnh nhân trầm cảm thường kết hợp một số triệu chứng như mệt mỏi, hồi hộp, táo bón, đau dạ dày,...
Mất ngủ ở bệnh nhân trầm cảm thường kết hợp một số triệu chứng như mệt mỏi, hồi hộp, táo bón, đau dạ dày,...
15. Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (Sales officer in Minh Khai, Hanoi): Doctors told me what chronic insomnia is and is it dangerous? I am a salesman, 35 years old this year. My job is quite stressful and stressful, so during the day I usually work up to 10 hours a day and also rarely nap but can't sleep much at night. I think it's a habit that has been around for more than 3 years, so even if it's a disease, it's also chronic. Can I ask if chronic insomnia can be cured?
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long (Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City): Hello! To know if your condition is exactly chronic insomnia, you need to be examined by a specialist in medical facilities.
Some telltale signs of chronic insomnia are as follows: Difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep at night, waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep for at least 1 month. Most people with insomnia have these symptoms. Insomnia for less than 1 month is called acute (short-term) insomnia and more than 1 month is called chronic insomnia.
Characteristics of chronic insomnia: Sleep too little, lull time too long, sleep light and wake up, the mental state is not comfortable, the body is tired, can't regain strength, ... At the same time, impairment of daytime activities such as lethargy, inability to concentrate on work, forgetfulness, low mood or "down in spirit". Insomnia in middle age causes a huge decrease in productivity and workday.
To treat chronic insomnia, you need to know the cause of the disease to make appropriate adjustments. Some causes of insomnia include:
Factors that promote insomnia are out of control such as: Pathology, mental illness,... Factors from work, relationships with outsiders, stress, changes employment, life ups and downs, due to inappropriate drug use. Once sleep is lost, a number of factors contribute to insomnia: Sleeping conditions (often called sleep hygiene) do not improve, which means not knowing how to prepare for sleep. Too worried about his sleep. Try and purposefully make time for sleep. When we try to sleep, we have intentionally forgotten something, so we will inevitably wake up, even stay awake, as a result, only fall asleep when we are too tired. At this time, insomnia is getting worse.
16. Uncle Tran Van Hoang (Y Yen, Nam Dinh) Hello doctor! I'm Nam, 67 years old this year. I have suffered from insomnia for more than 4 months now, every night I cannot sleep, then the next day I am tired and sluggish, so it affects my life. I want to cure insomnia, but I heard that if it's new, or mild, you shouldn't take sleeping pills because of side effects, especially old people like me? So please ask the doctor if I should treat insomnia with male medicine?
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Long (Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City): When treating insomnia with herbal medicine, you need to note:
Using medicinal plants to treat insomnia needs to be very persistent in use. Long-term Medicinal properties in herbs can be reduced, changed in the process of boiling, decoction. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to process it appropriately. When buying dried herbs, it is necessary to check carefully to avoid buying the wrong medicine, confusing the medicine, or the medicine is moldy, the medicine has preservatives. Using medicinal plants alone can only solve the symptoms of insomnia thanks to the sedative components contained in that medicinal herb. However, insomnia is a mixed condition, which can have many causes. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the treatment of the root cause of the disease. Some medicinal herbs can be used to treat insomnia with herbal medicine:
Lotus heart: can be used as a tea to drink every day Ginger root: Cook fresh ginger water to soak your feet to help dilate the meridians and make it easier to sleep. You can also put a few slices of fresh ginger soaked in vinegar into a basin of warm water to soak your feet. Ginger root cooked with granulated sugar drink at noon and in the evening, it will be easier to sleep at night. Virgin tree: Also known as the tree of shame. Dried or fresh leaves decoction. Tam ventricular flower: Drinking safflower tea helps to fall asleep easily and sleep more deeply. Sage leaves: Helps sedation, stimulates sleep. Passionflower: The effect of nourishing the mind, tranquilizing. Can be decoction of drinking water alone or in combination with some other herbs. Before treating insomnia with male medicine, you should consult a Herbalist, do not arbitrarily use it to affect your health.

17. Friend Le Van An (Email address: Lethichung140590@gmail.com): I'm Le Van An, I haven't slept for 18 years. To sleep I had to take high doses of sleeping pills. Besides, I have a long-standing recurrent stomach ulcer. Currently, I have been using brown rice with sesame salt for two months, but there is no effective remedy for the disease. I hope the doctor can tell me how to treat it. Sincere thanks.

Doctor of Insomnia Pham Thi Son: Insomnia has many causes, and to effectively treat insomnia, it is important to:
Find the cause of insomnia and treat the cause. Treatment forms include: Taking medicine, doing physical exercises, leading a positive, optimistic lifestyle, combining work and rest in moderation, learning skills to eliminate stress. Quiet living space at night Treatment of other diseases of the body.... Your case has been insomnia for 18 years, you must use high doses of drugs to sleep. However, you did not provide drug information so I cannot judge if you are really taking high doses of sleeping pills and how long you have taken them. Are you worried about anything, your living situation, work, diet, physical fitness, exercise... You should see a doctor specializing in Neurology or Psychiatry. Your doctor will listen to you and from there will come up with a specific treatment plan for your case.

Readers' questions continue to be answered by the doctor in the next section.
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