Venous thromboembolic disease

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Do Xuan Chien - Head of Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine and Professional Advisor, Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Dang Mich - Expert Advisor of General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination Medicine and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.

Venous thromboembolism disease is a disease with very few warning symptoms, so most patients are only detected when the disease is at a late stage, if not treated promptly, it will cause the risk of pulmonary embolism. and lead to death. Venous thromboembolism can happen to anyone, at any age.

1. What is venous thromboembolism?

Deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities, also known as deep vein thrombosis, represents a blockage in the veins in some locations such as the legs, thighs, .. due to the formation of blood clots. cause the blood vessels to fill up.
Venous thromboembolic disease can happen to anyone and at any age, the disease is divided into 3 main groups:
Patients who have ever had blood vessel damage when injecting Group of workers required to stand, sit, travel by train, plane, or suffer a serious injury, accident, cancer, or surgery... that causes the body to lie motionless for a long time. The group of patients has medical conditions. increased clotting such as deficiency of clotting factors, kidney disease.... In addition, venous thromboembolism can also occur in obese people, people with a family history of the disease, and women. According to statistics in Vietnam, every year, nearly 200,000 people suffer from venous thromboembolism disease.

Bệnh viêm tắc tĩnh mạch sâu
Bệnh viêm tắc tĩnh mạch sâu

2. Stages of VTE

Venous thromboembolic disease has 3 stages:
Stage 1: This is the acute stage (occurs in the first 2 weeks of infection), the patient now has symptoms of swollen legs, longitudinal pain. following the path of the veins, heavy legs, peripheral varicose veins... Stage 2: Subacute stage takes place from the 3rd to 6th week, patients in stage 2 will have less leg edema. Stage 3: Chronic stage and patients will often encounter complications, according to statistics, up to 50% of stage 3 patients will turn to post-thrombotic syndrome, leaving serious complications such as ulcers, pain. , limits lower extremity mobility and can even cause disability.

Bệnh thuyên tắc huyết khối tĩnh mạch
Bệnh thuyên tắc huyết khối tĩnh mạch

3. Treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolism

Venous thromboembolism disease is a dangerous disease and the possibility of rapid complications if the patient is not treated promptly. Today, although this disease is quite common, it has not been paid enough attention, leading to health consequences in patients.
If in the past, contrast angiography was considered optimal for the diagnosis of VTE, but today, doctors can use non- or less invasive techniques to diagnose and treat patients. In the case of a patient with a potentially life-threatening pulmonary embolism, surgery is indicated.

Người bệnh nên đến cơ sở y tế để được các chuyên gia tư vấn và điều trị kịp thời
Người bệnh nên đến cơ sở y tế để được các chuyên gia tư vấn và điều trị kịp thời

In order to help the treatment of venous thromboembolism be effective, patients need to strictly follow the principles of treatment and take medications as directed by the doctor.
In addition, the prevention of disease recurrence is also very important. For those who work to stand, sit a lot, or those who travel by train or plane for a long time, they should use compression stockings and exercise in place. by raising and lowering the heel. Elevate your legs when sleeping, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, keep your weight and don't smoke...
Master. Doctor Do Xuan Chien is former Deputy Head of Cardiology Department of Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital with more than 11 years of working experience in Cardiology and Metabolic Pathology. Currently, he is the Head of the Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Associate Professor. Dr. Hoang Dang Mich has over 42 years of medical practice, has strengths in the specialized fields of Liver - Kidney - Immune pathology... Currently, he is a Specialist Consultant in General Internal Medicine Department of Examination. Medicine & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE
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