Hello Doctor,
I frequently experience vaginal gas during sexual intercourse or menstruation, even though I have never given birth. I would like to know if this discharge of vaginal gas during intercourse or menstruation could be a sign of any underlying condition. I only have sex about once every six months, so I am seeking advice on how to address this issue. Thank you, Doctor.
Anonymous Client
Responded by Msc., Medical Doctor Nguyễn Văn Thành - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Obstetrics and Gynecology Department - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
Regarding the question if vaginal gas discharge during sexual intercourse or menstruation could indicate any underlying disease, the doctor would like to answer as follows:
The phenomenon of vaginal flatulence or vaginal gas discharge occurs when air is trapped inside the vagina and is released, creating a sound. This usually happens during or after sexual intercourse or after childbirth. It is generally not harmful to a woman’s health.
To minimize this phenomenon, you can perform pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegel exercises, or consider cosmetic intervention if the vaginal area is too loose.
Therefore, you should consult a doctor to receive further recommendations and effective treatments.
If you have further inquiry regarding “vaginal gas discharge during sexual intercourse or menstruation”, you should visit a hospital within the Vinmec Healthcare System, where you can receive further evaluation and consultation.Thank you for your question.
Wishing you good health
Best regards,
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