Antibiotics are currently widely used and come in various forms, including injectable and oral antibiotics. To ensure safety, antibiotics should not be used arbitrarily and must be taken under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist.
1. What are the effects of antibiotics?
Antibiotics work by killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria. The choice of antibiotic depends on the specific causative agent.
Antibiotics are primarily derived from natural ingredients. However, many types are synthetic or semi-synthetic in origin. Antibiotics used for children and adults are different, and the causes of illness and the physical condition of each individual also vary. Therefore, the routes of administering antibiotics are also different.
Therefore, you should not use antibiotics without proper guidance but must seek the advice of a doctor or pharmacist. Additionally, before taking the medication, it is important to carefully read the instructions. Absolutely follow the prescribed dosage and take the medication at the correct dosage and time.

2. Differences between injectable and oral antibiotics:
These are the two common forms of antibiotics used today. There are some differences between two forms:
Methods of administering medication:
• For antibiotics in the form of tablets, capsules, and enteric-coated tablets, these are oral antibiotics. The medication is delivered to the stomach and the absorption process occurs in the intestines.
• Injectable antibiotics are liquid antibiotics that are administered into the body through intravenous routes.
Cases of use:
• Injectable antibiotics are often used for severe infections, deep-seated infections, and life-threatening conditions. They are also used when patients have symptoms of vomiting and cannot tolerate oral medications.
• Oral antibiotics are used for individuals with mild conditions whose bodies can tolerate the medication orally. However, in cases where patients have weakened immune systems and their defense mechanisms against infections are compromised, the treatment regimen should include injectable antibiotics.

Typically, injectable antibiotics are more expensive than oral antibiotics. Tablets, capsules, and other forms can easily be found at pharmacies nationwide.
Complications and side effects:
Oral antibiotics are less likely to cause complications and side effects compared to intravenous antibiotics. The use of injectable antibiotics can lead to infections or thrombophlebitis due to the injection. It is best to consult healthcare facilities for further advice before using injectable antibiotics.
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