Uses of Enteropin

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Enteropin drug is often used in the treatment of some gastrointestinal diseases, used before surgery and to treat poisoning,... So what is the use of Enteropin and how to use this drug? how?

1. Uses of Enteropin

Enteropin medicine is made in the form of capsules, with the main ingredients in each tablet including:
Atropine sulfate Streptomycin Sulfaguanidine Atropin is an anticholinergic (parasympathomimetic) and antimuscarinic alkaloid - a primary amine compound Third, have effects on the central and peripheral nervous system. Atropine competitively inhibits acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors in organs under the control of the parasympathetic system and inhibits the effects of acetylcholine in smooth muscle. Atropin is used to inhibit the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Streptomycin is the active ingredient isolated from the culture medium of Streptomyces griseus. Streptomycin is a broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic.
Streptomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, but is mainly active against gram-negative bacteria, and less effective against gram-positive bacteria than penicillin.
Streptomycin has good effect on tubercle bacilli, especially TB bacteria in the rapid reproductive stage. In addition, it is also effective on leprosy, plague and intestinal bacilli.
Sulfaguanidine is a type of Sulfonamide with mainly bacteriostatic effect. Sulfaguanidine is structurally similar to p- aminobenzoic acid, therefore it interferes with nucleic acid synthesis in susceptible bacteria by inhibiting the conversion of p-aminobenzoic acid to the coenzyme dihydrofolic acid, which is a metabolite metabolism of folic acid.
Enteropin is indicated in the following cases:
Relieve spasms and reduce hyperactivity in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. Increased sweating Preoperatively to suppress salivary secretion. Carotid sinus syndrome Sinus node failure syndrome Sinus bradycardia. Vomiting in trains and Parkinson's disease. Poisoning with pilocarpine, alkyl phosphate. Enteropin is contraindicated in the following cases:
Glaucoma Prostate hypertrophy Asthma Bronchial asthma Gastrointestinal obstruction Angina

2. Dosage and how to use Enteropin

Enteropin is used orally. Dosage of Enteropin drug should be according to the doctor's prescription, the reference dose is as follows:
Adults: Use a dose of 1 - 4 tablets divided 4 times/day. Children under 30 months old: Use dose 0.1-0.15mg/day. Children from 30 months to 6 years old: Use dose 0.1-0.25mg/day. From 7-15 years old: Use 1-2 tablets/day.

3. Side effects of the drug Enteropin

Using high doses of Enteropin can cause the following side effects:
Flushing of the face Dry mouth Paralysis of eyelids Body urinary retention Heart rhythm disturbances Excitement Dizziness Constipation. Above is important information about Enteropin drug, using it for the right purpose and dose will help bring better treatment results.

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