What is Carbogast?

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Carbogast has the main ingredient is a medicinal herb charcoal, also known as Carbogast activated carbon medicine. The use of Carbogast drug is to treat diseases related to the stomach - intestines such as heartburn, belching, gastritis ...

1. What is Carbogast?

In terms of pharmacodynamics, Carbogast includes medicinal herbal charcoal with the ability to adsorb inorganic and organic substances, so it is often applied in the treatment of acute poisoning with agents such as drugs, chemicals, Toxins released from bacteria... Besides, the calcium phosphate component in the drug has the ability to resist stomach acid, calcium carbonate can neutralize stomach acid, thereby reducing pain symptoms in the stomach. gastritis - duodenal ulcer. Another ingredient of Carbogast is licorice, which helps to replenish spleen and gas, relieve pain, cool down and detoxify the body. Thanks to these ingredients, the drug has a detoxifying effect in gastric and duodenal ulcers, complications of dysentery, along with supporting the regulation of the effects of other drugs.
In terms of pharmacokinetics, the herbal charcoal component is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, so the waste will be intact and unchanged in the feces. Calcium phosphate has the ability to dissolve in gastric juice but not in the intestine, so they are very little absorbed in the intestine and discharged into the outside environment. Calcium carbonate, catalyzed by stomach acid, converts into calcium chloride, some of it is absorbed from the intestines and most of it about 80% will be converted to insoluble calcium such as Carbonate, Stearate...

Carbogast được ứng dụng trong điều trị ngộ độc cấp do một số nguyên nhân gây ra
Carbogast được ứng dụng trong điều trị ngộ độc cấp do một số nguyên nhân gây ra

2. How to take Carbogast

Carbogast drug is taken orally, can be taken before or after eating. It is especially important to chew the tablet thoroughly before swallowing.
Regarding the dosage:
For adults: The dose is 1-2 tablets/time, take 2-3 times/day For children: The dose is 1 tablet/time, take 1-3 times/day . If an overdose of the drug occurs and some dangerous symptoms appear, notify the emergency department immediately for immediate medical assistance. If the patient skips a dose, continue to take the next dose exactly as prescribed, do not double the dose.
Some side effects that may occur while taking carbogast are:
Black stools If taking the drug for too long with high doses, the patient may experience hypercalcemia, kidney stones , kidney failure... The drug also causes some interactions with other drugs. Typically, the herbal medicinal ingredient in the drug can absorb substances, so taking the medicine should be about 2 hours away to limit the absorption of substances in other drugs. Drugs can also interact with certain foods, tobacco and alcohol, so patients should be counseled before taking this medication.
Carbogast is a drug with a very diverse composition, used in the treatment of diseases related to the intestines - stomach such as gastritis, heartburn... To be able to use the drug at the right dose and time, people Patients should follow the instructions of the doctor, should not arbitrarily use without specific indications.

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