Home Tag Gram-positive bacteria

Articles in Gram-positive bacteria

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Cefotaxime: 3rd generation cephalosporin antibiotic
Cephalosporins are classified by generation based on the characteristics of their antibacterial action. The third generation cephalosporins are less effective against Gram-positive cocci than the first generation, but are much more effective against the Enterobacteriaceae family, including beta-lactamase-producing strains. However, the effect against Pseudomonas aeruginosa must be considered very carefully because of the wide variation in rates of resistance and antibiotic use across hospitals, communities and cities.
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Possible side effects when using the antibiotic Azithromycin
Antibiotic azithromycin is a new antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action of the macrolide group. The drug has strong bactericidal ability and long duration of action. However, when using the antibiotic azithromycin, some unwanted effects may occur.
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What are broad-spectrum antibiotics?
Antibiotics are drugs commonly used to treat infections at different sites in the body. Therefore, identifying the infection focal point will assist the doctor in choosing the right antibiotic for the patient. In some cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are chosen to treat infections of unknown etiology or suspected to have multiple bacterial groups.
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The effect of the drug Daktarin
Daktarin drug with the main ingredient is Miconazole, an active ingredient with antifungal function against common skin fungi and yeasts. Besides, the drug also has antibacterial activity against some other bacilli and cocci.
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Uses of Caricin
Caricin 500mg is commonly used in the treatment of some respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections,... So what is the use of Caricin 500mg and how is it used?
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Kanamycin belongs to which group of antibiotics?
Kanamycin 10 is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and is effective in the treatment of a wide range of infections and tuberculosis. To better understand the uses and ingredients, learn about Kanamycin 10 in the following article.
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Medicines to treat urinary tract infections
Urinary tract pathogens can attack many organs such as the urethra, bladder, ureters or kidneys. If not treated with the right medications, UTIs can lead to a number of dangerous health complications. So what are the medications for urinary tract infections?
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Learn about Dizigone antibacterial solution
Dizigone antibacterial solution is a solution processed by electrochemical mineral solution technology. Thereby helping to increase antibacterial effectiveness and safety for users. For more useful information about Dizigone, read through the article below.
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Uses of Azihasan 250
Azihasan is a drug belonging to the group of antibiotics, bactericidal used in cases of bacterial infections. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against a wide range of bacteria, both gram-negative and gram-positive.
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Uses of Koact 625
Koact is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that belongs to the group of antibiotics. The drug is used on many different types of infections. Let's learn about the use of Koact pills through the article below.
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Uses of Cefimbrano 100
Cefixime is an antibiotic with good activity against gram-negative bacteria, is relatively stable to beta lactamases, and can achieve bactericidal concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid. However, on gram-positive bacteria, cefixime is less effective than first-generation penicillins and cephalosporins. This is also the main active ingredient in Cefimbrano 100.
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