Uses of Bostadin

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Bostadin 10mg has the main ingredient Loratadin, which belongs to the group of anti-allergic drugs, in the form of film-coated tablets. Complying with the indications, the dose of Oremute 5 will help patients improve the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects.

1. Uses of Bostadin 10mg

The active ingredient Loratadin in Bostadin 10mg is an active substance belonging to the 2nd generation antihistamine group. Although Loratadin does not calm the central nervous system, it can provide a prolonged effect of selective antagonism at the receptor. Peripheral H1. Loratadine's mechanism of action is to relieve allergic symptoms due to the release of histamine. In addition, this drug also works against itching, urticaria caused by histamine. Uses of Bostadin 10mg drug is to treat allergic symptoms such as urticaria, itchy rashes, allergic rhinitis, ...
Using Bostadin 10mg does not cause sedative effects because the main active ingredient of the drug is not distributed. enter the brain if used at usual doses.

2. Indications of Bostadin

Bostadin 10mg drug is indicated for the treatment of allergic symptoms such as: Urticaria, allergic rhinitis, itching....

3. Contraindications of Bostadin 10mg

Contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Bostadin 10mg.

4. Dosage and how to use Bostadin 10mg

Usage: Bostadin 10mg drug is taken orally. The patient should swallow the Bostadin 10mg tablet whole. Bostadin 10mg should not be chewed, broken or crushed because it may increase unwanted effects.
For adults and children > 12 years old: Take 1 tablet/day. For children from 2-12 years old weighing 30kg or more: Take 1 tablet/day. For children from 2-12 years old less than 30kg: Take 1⁄2 tablets/day. For people with impaired liver and kidney function: The initial dose is 1 tablet x 2 times a day. How to handle when missed dose, overdose Bostadin 10mg:
In case of forgetting dose of Bostadin 10mg, it is advisable to make up for it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose of Bostadin 10mg and use a new dose. When using Bostadin 10mg drug overdose, the patient should stop the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

5. Side effects of Bostadin 10mg

When using Bostadin 10mg, patients may experience unwanted effects such as:
Common: Dry burning, headache. Uncommon: Dizziness, dizziness, excessive sneezing, dry nose and conjunctivitis. Rare: Palpitations, tachycardia, impaired liver function, depression, menstrual irregularities and anaphylaxis, ... If you experience the above symptoms, you need to stop using Bostadin 10mg and notify the doctor. doctor or pharmacist for appropriate treatment.

6. Bostadin 10mg . interactions

Bostadin 10mg can cause drug interactions if used concurrently with:
Cimetidine drugs; Ketoconazole drug; Erythromycin drug.

7. Notes when using Bostadin

Caution should be exercised when using Bostadin to people who drive or operate machinery. Use caution when administering Bostadin to the elderly. Bostadin should be used with caution in pregnant or lactating women. Absolutely do not use when Bostadin has signs of discoloration, mold, watery or expired. Above is all information about Bostadin, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using.

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