Home Tag Allergic rhinitis

Articles in Allergic rhinitis

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Use of antihistamines for pregnant and lactating women
The use of antihistamines in pregnant and lactating women should be cautious because some drugs can be excreted in breast milk and affect the health of the newborn.
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Nasal drops that are safe for pregnant women
Pregnant women are special subjects who need to be careful while taking the drug to ensure the safety of both mother and baby. In fact, mothers often wonder and worry when they have to take medicine during pregnancy, which is often to treat cold symptoms, stuffy or runny nose. Medication is not always necessary and not all drugs can be used by pregnant women, the following tips can help "pregnant mothers" be healthier and more secure during pregnancy.
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Instructions for using effective medicine for allergic rhinitis
The treatment of allergic rhinitis involves reducing exposure to allergens and other factors in conjunction with drug therapy. This combination treatment is effective in most patients. Avoid factors that trigger allergic rhinitis: For example: Avoid contact with cat and dog hair, smoky environments, pollution.
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Nasal vasoconstrictor: Reasons not to use it for a long time
Nasal vasoconstrictor is a drug that works to reduce phenomena such as: congestion and bleeding, swelling... However, nasal vasoconstrictor should not be used for a long time to avoid unwanted consequences.
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Note when using nasal drops containing Xylometazoline
During the changing season, with the change of time, ear-nose-throat diseases are constantly increasing. Among them, nasal congestion is a common symptom experienced by many people. Many people choose nasal drops containing Xylometazoline as the first solution. However, the use of nasal decongestants needs to be cautious.
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Tyrosur: Uses, dosage, side effects
In most cases, the use of Tyrosur medicine does not cause serious skin reactions. However, if the symptoms do not improve after 7 days of treatment, the patient should actively stop taking the drug and notify the treating doctor.
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Notes when using Otrivin nasal spray for children
Otrivin nasal drops are used to relieve symptoms when children have a stuffy nose, aid in the removal of mucus. To ensure safety when using the drug, it is necessary to consult and prescribe the doctor. Parents should avoid buying and using drugs on their own.
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Rhinex nasal drops: Uses, dosages, side effects
Rhinex is a medicine used to treat the symptoms of a runny nose, rhinitis, nasal congestion, and swelling in the nostrils caused by sinusitis. In addition, the drug also reduces congestion, hemolysis in the nose and eyes.
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Instructions for safe use of baby nose drops
When suffering from stuffy nose, runny nose, rhinitis, dry nose, many parents often buy nasal drops and use them freely for their children. However, improper use of nasal drops for children is extremely dangerous, even affecting the heart, blood pressure and intelligence of children.
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Seasonix Oral Solution for allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is a common disease, causing many inconveniences and reducing the quality of life of patients. Seasonix Oral Solution is indicated for the treatment of seasonal, chronic allergic rhinitis and chronic idiopathic urticaria.
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Safe use of nasal drops for stuffy nose
With changing weather, polluted environment, not only children but also adults can suffer from nasal diseases, and one of the common symptoms of these diseases is nasal congestion. Nasal congestion occurs when the nose and nearby tissues and blood vessels swell with excess fluid, causing a "stuffy" sensation. Nasal congestion may or may not be accompanied by a runny nose.
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