What are the effects of being sick in early pregnancy?

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Hello doctor! This year, I am 28 years old, giving birth by caesarean section on January 9, 2019. I am currently 5 weeks pregnant. I had sneezing, runny nose and cough for the first month. I don't use any drugs. So the doctor asked me if I should keep to give birth to a baby when I had a caesarean for 1 year? If I let my illness in early pregnancy, will it have any effect on the fetus? (Currently, I weigh 38kg, I am 1.52m tall). Ask your doctor for advice. I thank Dr. much sir.
Nguyen Thi May (1992)
Hello! Compared to a vaginal birth, a cesarean section leaves wounds on the abdominal wall and uterus, and takes longer to heal than a vaginal birth. According to the recommendations of medical experts, you should wait 2 years after the first cesarean section before you should get pregnant again.
There are many reasons why you need to keep the minimum distance between 2 births. This is a reasonable time for the uterine incision in the first caesarean to fully heal and the mother's health is also guaranteed in the next pregnancy.
If this period is not guaranteed, the mother and the fetus will face many dangerous risks, even affecting their lives. Possible risks: Fracture of old incision, placenta in an abnormal position, especially the placenta that requires hysterectomy, a lot of blood transfusion, the fetus is at risk of premature birth, low birth weight, malnutrition...
Sneezing, runny nose is the body's response to changes in weather such as rain, erratic sunshine, sudden hot and humid climate. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, the immune system of pregnant mothers gradually weakens, creating conditions for bacteria to attack, causing symptoms of sneezing and runny nose. In addition, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women are always in a state of fatigue due to the phenomenon of morning sickness, so it is easier to create conditions for infections, coughing, sneezing, and runny nose. If a pregnant woman has sneezing, runny nose without fever, cough or vomiting, she may just have seasonal allergies, the common cold or allergic rhinitis.
These problems do not affect the fetus but only make the pregnant mother tired and uncomfortable. At this time, the mother needs to take proactive measures to prevent and always keep the body warm, the situation will improve. However, if the pregnant mother has a sneeze, a runny nose accompanied by a high fever, vomiting, sore throat, and body fatigue, the pregnant mother is at high risk of contracting seasonal flu. If this disease develops seriously, high fever, infection and toxicity caused by viruses can cause early miscarriage or stillbirth.
At this time, pregnant women should monitor the fetal development by antenatal check-ups and ultrasounds every 2 weeks in the first 2 months and continue to have regular antenatal check-ups after that. Besides, it is necessary to carry out all necessary tests as prescribed by the doctor.
In addition, the flu virus can cause birth defects in the fetus such as cleft lip, cleft palate, down syndrome,... The use of medicines for runny nose during pregnancy is very limited and necessary. medical examination and prescription. Because taking medicine during the first 3 months of pregnancy is very dangerous.
All drugs have side effects and can cause birth defects. Instead, when having a runny nose, pregnant women can use some simple measures to relieve symptoms:
Use physiological saline (or sea salt) to clean the nose, blow out all the mucus at the nose. When blowing your nose, it is best to use a soft tissue to wipe it, to avoid rubbing it against your nose, causing irritation. Do not blow your nose too hard to avoid damaging the eardrum (this action increases the pressure in the ear suddenly, easily causing the eardrum to rupture). Eat a lot of garlic or you can use garlic juice to make your nose more comfortable. Eat more foods rich in vitamin C such as guava, grapefruit, citrus to increase the body's resistance. If sneezing, runny nose persists along with symptoms of fever, infection, body fatigue, pregnant women need to see a doctor for examination and treatment. Because the 2 pregnancies are close together, you should go for antenatal care at reputable specialized medical facilities to be examined by doctors, periodically to monitor abnormal signs during pregnancy to take appropriate measures. suitable card.
Thank you for sending your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Specialist I Pham Thi Yen - Obstetrician - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital
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