Uses of Basultam 1g

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Basultam medicine 1g has the main active ingredients are Sulbactam and Cefoperazone. Basultam is a cephalosporin antibiotic that acts against susceptible microorganisms in the multiplication stage by inhibiting the synthesis of cell wall mucopeptides. The drug is effective in the treatment of many diseases caused by bacterial infections.

1. What is the drug Basultam 1g?

Basultam drug 1g is an antibiotic with the effect of treating parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals, and antifungals. The dosage form of the drug is powder for intramuscular and intravenous injection. The packaging of Basultam 1g includes a box of 1 vial of powder for injection. The composition of the drug Basultam 1g is the active ingredient Cefoperazone, in the form of Cefoperazone sodium with the content of 1g and the active ingredient Sulbactam in the form of Sulbactam Sodium with the content of 1g. Basultam has the antibacterial ingredient of the active ingredient Sulbactam and Cefoperazone (SBT/CPZ) which is cefoperazone, a 3rd generation cephalosporin antibiotic. This active substance acts against susceptible microorganisms at the stage of multiplication by inhibiting the synthesis of cell wall mucopeptides. Sulbactam has no useful antibacterial activity except on Neisseriaceae spp and Acinetobacter spp.
The combination of two drugs Sulbactam and Cefoperazone is active against all types of bacteria sensitive to Cefoperazone. Furthermore, this combination provides a synergistic effect with the minimum inhibitory concentration reduced by up to 4 times compared to the minimum inhibitory concentration of the drug each active ingredient against a wide range of bacteria.

2. What is the effect of Basultam 1g?

Use as monotherapy: Basultam 1g or the active ingredients Sulbactam and Cefoperazone are indicated in cases of infections caused by the following susceptible bacteria:
Treatment of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract below. Treatment of urinary tract infections. Treatment of peritonitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis and other intra-abdominal infections. Treatment of sepsis. Treatment of meningitis. Treatment of skin and soft tissue infections. Treatment of bone and joint infections. Treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease, gonorrhea, endometritis and other genital infections. Combination therapy: Because Basultam 1g has a broad antibacterial spectrum, just using Basultam alone can effectively treat most infections. However, the simultaneous use of the two drugs Sulbactam/Cefoperazone can be used in combination with other antibiotics if needed. When it is necessary to combine with Aminoglycoside during treatment, the treating doctor will check kidney function during the course of treatment.

3. Usage and dosage of Basultam 1g

You should take Basultam 1g every 12 hours, evenly divided into doses. For severe infections, you can use up to 8g (ie 4g of Cefoperazon) a day.
People using a 1:1 ratio may need to take the drug Cefoperazone alone. The maximum recommended therapeutic dose for the active ingredient Sulbactam is 4g per day (8g basultam). The recommended therapeutic dose for children is 40-80 mg/kg/day In severe infections or those with little response, the therapeutic dose can be increased up to 160 mg/kg/day (ratio 1/day). first). You should divide the dose into 2-4 equally divided doses. Use in neonates: For infants 1 week old, the drug should be given every 12 hours. The maximum therapeutic dose of Sulbactam in pediatrics should not exceed 80 mg/kg/day. Note: Do not use in people with known allergy to Penicillin, Sulbactam, Cefoperazone or Cephalosporin
antibiotic group.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Basultam 1g

In general, Basultam 1g is well tolerated. The majority of adverse drug reactions are usually mild or moderate in duration and will gradually disappear with continued treatment. Some unwanted effects you may encounter when using Basultam 1g include:
Gastrointestinal tract: Common undesirable effects when using drugs on the gastrointestinal tract such as loose stools, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, pseudomembranous colitis. Skin reactions: hypersensitivity such as rash, appearance of urticaria. Reactions are more likely to occur in people with a history of allergies, especially to penicillin antibiotics. For hematology: The neutrophil count may be slightly decreased, hemoglobin and hematocrit may decrease. Other undesirable effects may be encountered such as headache, fever, pain at the injection site and chills. Abnormalities in the index of tests: assessment of liver function ASAT, alkaline phosphatase or bilirubin index. For the cardiovascular system: Hypotension, vasculitis. For the urinary system: Urinating with blood.

5. Interactions of drugs Basultam 1g

Some drug interactions Basultam 1g may occur as follows:
Aminoglycosides: Basultam 1g and aminoglycosides should not be mixed together, because of physical incompatibility. Therapeutic doses of Basultam 1g should be given daily as far away from the aminoglycosides as possible. Ringer Lactate Solution: The initial phase with Ringer Lactate solution should be avoided, as no compatibility is expected. However, a 2-step dilution method consisting of pre-dilution with water for injection produces a compatible solution followed by step 2 dilution with Ringer Lactate solution. Lidocaine: Basultam 1g should be avoided initially with 2% Lidocaine HCl solution because of incompatibility. However, a 2-step dilution method consisting of step 1 using water for injection to dilute first produces a compatible solution, followed by step 2 dilution with 2% Lidocaine HCl solution. In addition, Basultam 1g is also incompatible with drugs such as Nicardipine, Ondansetron, Perfenzazin, Promethazine, Protamine, Vinorelbine, Filgrastim or Amifostine.
Alcohol: When using alcohol during treatment with Basultam 1g, even within 5 days after stopping the drug, there have been some people with reactions such as flushing, sweating, headache and tachycardia.
Interactions between drugs and laboratory tests: The use of Basultam 1g may affect the urinary tract test which is falsely positive when used with Benedict or Fehling's solution.

6. Some notes when using Basultam 1g

During the use of Basultam 1g, the following should be kept in mind:
Hypersensitivity: Serious and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in beta-lactam users. or cephalosporins. These reactions often occur in individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to various antigens. Use of the drug Basultam 1g in people with liver dysfunction: The antibiotic Cefoperazone is eliminated mainly through bile. In subjects with liver disease with or without biliary obstruction, the serum half-life of Cefoperazone is prolonged and urinary excretion is increased. In patients with severe biliary obstruction, severe liver disease, or renal dysfunction associated with either of these conditions, the dose should be adjusted. In subjects with concomitant hepatic dysfunction and renal impairment, plasma concentrations of cefoperazone should be monitored and the therapeutic dose adjusted if necessary. In these cases, when therapeutic doses exceed 2 g per day, plasma concentrations should be closely monitored. Use of Basultam 1g in infants: Basultam 1g has been used effectively in infants. The drug has not been extensively studied in neonates or preterm infants. Therefore, before treating infants or preterm infants, the treating physician should carefully weigh the benefits and possible risks. Effects on Ability to Drive and Use Machines: The effect of Basultam 1g on the ability to drive and use machines has not been established. Therefore, when you often drive or do work that requires high concentration, you should not use Basultam 1g. Basultam medicine 1g has the main active ingredients are Sulbactam and Cefoperazone. Basultam is a cephalosporin antibiotic that acts against susceptible microorganisms at the multiplication stage by inhibiting the synthesis of cell wall mucopeptides. To ensure effective use, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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