Uses of Anticlot

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Anticlot is a drug used in the treatment of a number of cardiovascular diseases. In the process of using the drug, patients need to absolutely follow the doctor's instructions to achieve the best effect, to avoid experiencing side effects that affect health.

1. What are the effects of Anticlot 5ml?

Anticlot is an intravenous drug, injected under the skin containing the ingredient Heparin sodium. Products originating from India, are widely used in Vietnam market with the effect of helping to prevent the formation of blood clots.

2. Indications and contraindications of Anticlot 5ml

2.1. Indications With the effect of preventing the formation of blood clots effectively, Anticlot is indicated in the following cases:
Used in the prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. . Support the treatment of myocardial infarction and arterial thrombosis. Prophylaxis of obstruction during vascular and cardiovascular surgery. Use low doses in the prevention of cerebrovascular occlusion. Used as an anticoagulant in blood transfusion, extracorporeal circulation during surgery, hemodialysis and when blood preservation is required. 2.2. Contraindications Some of the following cases are not suitable to use Anticlot:
People with a history of allergy to Heparin. People who cannot have regular blood clotting tests. Is bleeding uncontrollably.

3. Instructions for using Anticlot 5ml

Anticlot is used for subcutaneous or intravenous injection or intravenous infusion after dilution with the following reference dosage:
For adults: IV injection 5000-10000 IU every 4 hours, intermittently or drip continuously in NaCl solution or use Dextrose. Dosage should be adjusted according to coagulation test results. Patients can also inject SC 10000 IU every 8 hours after a dose of 5000 IU IV has been administered. Elderly: Reduce dose compared to usual. Use drugs for prophylactic purposes: Use a dose of 5000 IU, inject SC 2-6 hours before surgery and every 8-12 hours after surgery, lasting for 10-14 days. Open heart surgery: In case the surgery time is less than 2 hours, use the dose 120 IU/kg/hour. If surgery time is longer, use at a dose of 180 IU/kg/hour.

4. Common side effects when using Anticlot 5ml

Some patients develop a reaction as soon as the drug is injected into a vein, including nausea, dizziness, sweating, or difficulty breathing. Sometimes the patient has a slight itching sensation in the legs, changes in the skin at the injection site, blue skin, etc. In particular, the patient may have osteoporosis when using Anticlot in high doses for a long time.
In case the following serious side effects appear, the patient should stop using the drug and call the doctor immediately:
Feeling tired, numb on one side of the body. Chest pain, cough, rapid breathing, wheezing, heart palpitations. Severe headache, vision problems, confusion, language changes. Pain, swelling, heat, and redness in one or both legs. Fever, persistent chills, watery eyes or runny nose.

5. Anticlot drug interactions 5ml

Caution when using Anticlot 5ml in combination with aspirin, dextran, phenylbutazone, ibuprofen, indomethacin, dipyridamol or hydroxychloroquine because it will affect platelet aggregation and may cause bleeding.
In addition, concomitant use with drugs such as Digitalis, tetracyclines, antihistamines or nicotine may partially reduce the anticoagulant effect of the drug.

6. Be careful when using Anticlot 5ml

Care should be taken when using Anticlot 5ml for some cases such as:
People with trauma, kidney and liver failure, with a history of allergies. Women in the last 3 months of pregnancy, right after giving birth because there will be an increased risk of maternal bleeding. If the coagulation test is too prolonged or bleeding occurs, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

7. Some notes when using Anticlot 5ml

In order for Anticlot to be effective in the treatment of diseases, users need to pay attention to the following issues:
Overdose: Using an overdose of the drug can lead to nosebleeds, blood in the urine, easy bruising, petechiae,... In case of mild overdose, just stop taking the drug and the above symptoms will soon disappear. With cases of severe overdose, the patient should be taken to the nearest medical facility for intervention and management; Missed dose: If a dose is missed, the patient should take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the scheduled time. Never take the drug at a dose twice the prescribed dose. Storage: Anticlot should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and direct light. Do not store the medicine in humid places such as bathrooms or high temperature places such as kitchens. Do not use if expired, cloudy or discolored. Anticlot 5ml is a drug used in the treatment of many different diseases. In the process of using the drug, patients need to make sure to follow the doctor's instructions to ensure the best therapeutic effect, reduce the risk of side effects as well as complications to health.

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