Uses of Amfaneo

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Alphachymotrypsin is an active ingredient with anti-inflammatory effects, reducing edema and is indicated in many pathological cases. This active ingredient is present in the drug Amfaneo. So how should patients use Amfaneo and what should be noted?

1. What is Amfaneo?

Amfaneo belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs with the main active ingredient being Alphachymotrypsin. Amfaneo drug is manufactured by Vietnam Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company Ampharco and is prepared in the form of tablets.

2. Amfaneo drug use

The active ingredient Alpha chymotrypsin in Amfaneo is essentially an enzyme, prepared by activating chymotrypsinogen and extracted from bovine pancreas. Alpha chymotrypsin has a selective proteolytic effect at the peptide bonds between aromatic amino acids. This enzyme was formerly used in ophthalmology for the purpose of dissolving the suspensory vitreous ligament to facilitate the removal of opacities in the capsule and to reduce trauma to the eye.
Around the 1960s to 1980s, the use of chymotrypsin in cataract surgery was quite common, but now it has been replaced by more modern methods. In addition, Amfaneo drug effects also include anti-inflammatory, reducing soft tissue edema caused by causes such as abscesses, ulcers or trauma and loosening upper respiratory tract secretions in bronchial asthma, bronchitis. , some other lung diseases and sinusitis .
Each type of medicine has a primary purpose to treat a specific disease or condition. Therefore, it is best to use Amfaneo for the treatment of diseases according to the instructions for use of the drug. If you want to treat other diseases with Amfaneo products, the patient needs to take the drug exactly as prescribed by the doctor.

3. Indications and contraindications of Amfaneo

Situations that should be treated with Amfaneo include:
Anti-inflammatory, reducing edema after trauma or surgery, which may include soft tissue injuries, acute trauma, sprains, hematomas, need dissolving bruising, infection, eyelid edema; Loosen upper respiratory tract secretions in bronchial asthma, bronchitis, some other lung diseases and sinusitis. In addition, patients with the following characteristics should not be treated with Amfaneo:
Location or history of confirmed allergy to Alphachymotrypsin and other ingredients of Amfaneo; Patients with reduced Alpha-1 Antitrypsin, often seen in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or nephrotic syndrome.

4. Instructions for using Amfaneo

4.1. How to use Amfaneo Each drug or pharmaceutical preparation in different forms will have a suitable way of use and route of administration. Patients should carefully read the instructions for use of Amfaneo on the leaflet or as directed by the doctor, absolutely do not arbitrarily use Amfaneo other than the information on the instruction sheet.
4.2. Dosage of the drug Amfaneo Patients only use Amfaneo in accordance with the indications listed above with specific doses as follows:
Oral: 2 tablets of Amfaneo 4.2 mg/time, 3-4 times per day; Sublingual: 4-6 tablets of Amfaneo 4.2mg per day in divided doses. Note that the patient must let the tablet dissolve gradually under the tongue. Some notes on the dosage of Amfaneo:
For adults: The instructions on the dose of Amfaneo are mainly taken orally, and the patient should not change the dose without consulting the doctor. pharmacist; For children: Subjects have differences with adults in terms of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, side effects... At the same time, children are not allowed to be subjects of clinical drug trials before they have been tested. licensed for circulation. Therefore, the use of Amfaneo for children should be especially cautious; Treatment of overdose: Immediately contact 911 Emergency Center or go to the nearest local medical facility; Management when forgetting a dose of Amfaneo: If you forget to take a dose of Amfaneo, the patient should take the medicine as soon as he remembers, usually 1-2 hours apart from the time prescribed by the doctor. However, when it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the usual schedule. Note: Do not double the dose of Amfaneo as directed.

5. Some notes when using Amfaneo medicine

The active ingredient Alphachymotrypsin in Amfaneo is well tolerated, with little potential for significant side effects. Some patients who recommend not to be treated with Amfaneo include:
People with hereditary or non-hereditary clotting disorders; People who have just or are about to undergo surgery; The patient is being treated with anticoagulant therapy; People who are allergic to proteins; Pregnant women or nursing mothers; Patients with gastric ulcer. Note when using Amfaneo during pregnancy: This product, when used at any time during pregnancy, has the risk of causing adverse effects such as miscarriage, teratogenicity, fetal malformations... especially first three months. Therefore, it is best not to use Amfaneo in pregnant women. In case of mandatory use, pregnant women should carefully consult a doctor or pharmacist.
Note when taking Amfaneo during lactation: Alphachymotrypsin can pass through the baby's body through breastfeeding. Therefore, to ensure safety, nursing mothers should not or limit the use of this product.

6. Side effects of the drug Amfaneo

As noted, there have not been any long-term side effects related to the use of Amfaneo medicine except in the cases mentioned in the caution when taking the drug. Many studies have shown that at the recommended dose, alphachymotrypsin is not detected in the blood after 24 - 48 hours of use.
Some of the temporary side effects of Amfaneo (which usually go away with discontinuation or dose reduction), include a change in the color, consistency, and smell of stool. Some special cases may experience digestive disorders such as flatulence, heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation or nausea. When used in high doses, Amfaneo can cause mild allergic reactions such as skin redness.

7. Amfaneo drug interactions

Concurrent use of two or more drugs often leads to antagonistic or synergistic drug interactions and Amfaneo is no exception. Some drug interactions of Amfaneo have been reported:
Alphachymotrypsin in combination with other enzyme drugs may increase the therapeutic effect. Especially when the patient has a balanced diet, using vitamin and mineral supplements can stimulate the activity of Alphachymotrypsin; Some seeds such as jojoba beans, wild soybeans contain a variety of proteins that inhibit the activity of Alphachymotrypsin. However, boiling can inactivate these proteins; Do not use same-sex Alphachymotrypsin with acetylcysteine, an active ingredient that dissolves phlegm in the lungs; Do not combine Amfaneo with anticoagulants because of the risk of increasing the anticoagulant effect.

8. How to store Amfaneo?

Concentration, content and active ingredients in Amfaneo medicine may be affected when the preservation of the medicine is not guaranteed or due to the expiry date, thereby leading to bad effects. Therefore, users need to carefully read the information on the storage and expiry date of the drug listed on the product packaging and instructions for use. Similar to other products, Amfaneo should be stored at room temperature, away from high humidity and direct light. When the Amfaneo drug has expired or is no longer needed, the user should talk to their doctor, pharmacist or garbage disposal unit for measures to safely dispose of the drug, absolutely do not throw Amfaneo medicine in the toilet. or sewage lines when not required. Keep Amfaneo out of the reach of children and away from pets.

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