Corticosteroids are in what drugs? How to know?

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Corticosteroids are a group of drugs with anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects, used to treat many different diseases. The rational use of Corticosteroids will bring high efficiency to the treatment of the disease, but if you do not know how to use it or use it incorrectly, it will cause many dangerous complications.

1. How does the group of corticosteroids work?

Corticosteroids are drugs with anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects, according to which this group of drugs is used to treat many different diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema and inflammatory diseases. allergic skin ; anaphylaxis or urticaria...; bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ; primary nephrotic syndrome...; polyarthritis and rheumatism. In addition, this group of drugs also works to treat a number of diseases of the digestive tract, eyes, hematology, malignancy ... or according to the indications for use and treatment by the prescribing doctor.
Before using any medicine, it is also necessary to have advice from doctors and pharmacists with expertise, because using the drug properly and appropriately will bring high treatment results. does not cause side effects, the same goes for corticosteroids. You should use corticosteroids according to the right disease, the right dose as well as the time to use the drug.

Nhóm thuốc Corticoid có tác dụng trên người bệnh có bệnh lý viêm đa khớp
Nhóm thuốc Corticoid có tác dụng trên người bệnh có bệnh lý viêm đa khớp

To know if the medicine you are using contains corticosteroids or not, the best way is for users to carefully read the instructions for use, see the ingredients of the drug, this will help you know the full composition of the drug. or consult qualified consultants.

2. Corticosteroids are in which drugs?

Corticosteroid-containing drugs are drugs containing the following ingredients: hydrocortisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, prednisone, fluocinolone, triamcinolone, fluticasone; beclomethasone, betamethasone, dexamethasone...
To make it easier to identify you can rely on the symbol to know the group of drugs containing corticosteroids:
Usually, the corticoid drug groups often have the ending "sone" ("son") or "" olone” (“olon”). However, there are exceptions, for example: budesonide, so to be sure to use the drug, before using it, you should read the instructions carefully before using both in terms of ingredients, uses, and usage. , shelf life and only use corticosteroids when prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist.

Thuốc prednisolone thuộc nhóm corticoid
Thuốc prednisolone thuộc nhóm corticoid

3. List of Corticosteroids on the market today

List of Corticosteroids on the market today, including:
Medrol containing methylprednisolone, Fucicort containing betamethasone, symbicort asthma medicine containing budesonide, Flucinar containing fluocinolone, Eye drops polydexa contains dexamethasone... Recognizing the corticoid component in the drug as well as the list of corticosteroid-containing drugs can help patients use the right dose, right treatment purpose, and minimize complications. as well as potentially dangerous drug interactions.

4. How should corticosteroids be used for maximum effectiveness?

If you use this group of drugs to prevent nausea and stomach pain that do not get better, you should see your doctor for the best advice. Accordingly, stomach problems may occur if you use alcoholic beverages, so when using corticosteroids, you should limit the use of alcoholic beverages for the drug to work well. best.
If using budesonide extended-release tablets, you should swallow the capsule whole, without breaking, crushing, or chewing. You should use the medicine exactly as directed by the doctor, do not overdo it or skip the dose, because this can cause side effects.
Patients can use corticosteroids with or without food. However, you can take the drug with food to reduce stomach irritation, good for the digestive system.

Người bệnh cần được tư vấn dùng thuốc có chứa corticoid giúp đạt hiệu quả cao nhất
Người bệnh cần được tư vấn dùng thuốc có chứa corticoid giúp đạt hiệu quả cao nhất

5. Some side effects when using corticosteroids

Corticosteroids can leave some side effects such as decreased resistance to infections. Therefore, when there are signs of infection, sore throat, cough, fever, fatigue, sneezing or coughing, you need to immediately notify the treating doctor so that they can give the best advice. However, in some cases, corticosteroids can cause other side effects, so to minimize side effects you should use the drug according to the indications, dosage, and time of use.
In order for the use of drugs and corticosteroids to be effective, you should inform your doctor about your medical history, for example, if you are pregnant, breast-feeding or allergic to the ingredients. of the drug or not or whether you are using a drug to avoid drug interactions when using. Because there is now a lot of research showing that corticosteroids can change the ability of other drugs you are taking or increase the effect of side effects.
In addition, in order for corticosteroids to still have their therapeutic properties, to avoid being degraded or lose their effectiveness, you should store the medicine at room temperature, away from moisture and away from light. You should also not store it in the bathroom or in the freezer. Because each drug has a different storage method, you need to read the instructions carefully before using or follow the instructions of the doctor.

Người bệnh chỉ dùng thuốc khi có chỉ định của bác sĩ điều trị
Người bệnh chỉ dùng thuốc khi có chỉ định của bác sĩ điều trị
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