Tips to feel better throughout the day

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Mental health is one of the big concerns today. The question often asked is how to happily overcome obstacles in life and how to get better after facing life's events.

1. Take time to approach nature

When the body is exposed to sunlight in the morning, the brain is stimulated to release a chemical called Serotonin that plays a role in helping you feel happy. Physical activity outside in the morning not only promotes health, but also has the same effect as drugs for mild and moderate depression. In addition, Serotonin is closely related to the amount of Melatonin - a chemical that helps you fall asleep easily at night.
For people who do not have much time to go out, how to feel happier? In fact, just a few minutes in nature can help you relax. When you feel stressed, step outside and go for a short walk or simply sit in nature.
Scientists have shown that with 5 minutes of sitting with a picture of trees on the computer screen can help you relieve stress after hours of work. Therefore, thanks to the connection to technology, even people working in big cities far from nature still have the ability to calm the spirit.

2. Use healthy foods

The foods that are loaded into the body will have a great impact in determining the state of every day such as healthy or weak, concentration or lethargy. There are some secrets to choosing foods as follows:
Use fresh foods such as green vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains instead of processed foods. Add large amounts of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage. These vegetables help effectively support the immune system and detoxify the body, helping to bring a feeling of joy and comfort. Limit foods high in sugar such as carbonated soft drinks or foods that use a lot of sugar. When using them, the body responds with a rush of insulin to bring blood sugar back to normal. This fluctuating state will lead to a loss of your ability to concentrate.

Dùng các loại thực phẩm tốt dung nạp vào cơ thể sẽ trả lời cho thắc mắc làm sao để cảm thấy vui vẻ
Dùng các loại thực phẩm tốt dung nạp vào cơ thể sẽ trả lời cho thắc mắc làm sao để cảm thấy vui vẻ

3. Focusing on thinking about the present moment is how to be happy

When we ourselves are in turmoil and don't know how to get better, the best way is to think about the present moment. It is caused by regrets about what happened in the past and worries about the future. When you look at the present reality, you will see that it is a great gift to your feelings. A method called mindfulness will help you find your inner happiness again. Sit in a quiet and comfortable place like your bedroom and start thinking about a place that makes you most comfortable. Close your eyes and imagine everything related to that place like people, sounds, tastes, and smells. For example, if you think of a beach, imagine the soothing waves on the soft sand beneath your feet, the sound of children playing, and the faint scent of your favorite ice cream. The more you go into the visualization, the more comfortable you will find yourself.

4. Build optimism every day

Although the same event, each person has a different view, one person will consider it negative, another will consider it positive. Therefore, we need to have a multi-dimensional view to see the positive side of things and things around so that we can feel this life is beautiful and become more loving.

5. Practice breathing every day

If you don't know how to have fun, breathing exercises are one of the ways to feel happy, effectively calming the body and mind anywhere at any time. Lie or sit in a quiet place, place one hand on your stomach. Inhale and count slowly from one to three then breathe slowly at the same rate. You can feel your abdomen rise and fall as you do this exercise and repeat for five times until you feel relaxed.

6. Relieve stress with physical activity

Mental instability often leads to physical stress. Dealing with this will help you feel better. Lie on a soft surface like a mat or exercise mat and do yoga exercises. As you perform each movement, notice how the sensation of your body changes with each movement. This method helps you to see your spirit as "stretched" and more relaxed.

7. Prepare for a good night's sleep

Sleep has a powerful effect on your mood in the short term and can last long into the future. When you don't get enough sleep, you'll find it difficult to make decisions, solve problems, and control your behavior. In addition, the quality of sleep also plays an important role. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is when we are deeply asleep, when dreams occur. To have a good night's sleep, we should apply the following tips:
Try to maintain a fixed bedtime and wake-up time every day, limiting the difference to no more than one hour. Limit exposure to blue-light electronic devices such as TV screens and phones within an hour of bedtime and avoid strenuous exercise during this time. Do not overeat or eat undigested foods for a few hours before going to bed. Spending time exercising during the day will help you get a good night's sleep at night. Build a healthy bedtime routine for a good night's sleep like soaking your feet in warm water before bed.

Làm sao để vui thì bạn cần có những giấc ngủ ngon sẽ ảnh hưởng tới tâm trạng của bạn
Làm sao để vui thì bạn cần có những giấc ngủ ngon sẽ ảnh hưởng tới tâm trạng của bạn

8. Write down your thoughts

Writing down everything that's on your mind is also a way to help you relax. When feeling stressed, many people often think about how to feel happier? That question makes me even more pressured. The best way is to write that question down with what you are thinking in your heart, write about how you feel through the events that happened during the day. You can write in a notebook or use a note-taking app on your phone. Don't worry about spelling or writing well, just focus on using them as a method to make yourself feel better.

9. Connect with people around

When you have a good relationship with family, friends, colleagues and even neighbors around, it is an energy that helps you release tension in your heart. We should spend a little time each day talking to our colleagues, telling each other our stories, and giving our neighbors a big smile every morning when we go to work.
Finding a balance between the chaos of work, family and life is what many people are looking for. Hopefully these tips will help you to feel happier and recover from the stresses you face every day.

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