Thigh liposuction and things to know

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When the fat in the thighs is accumulated, it will make the legs less slim and cause many consequences due to the weight of the body being pushed down. This not only affects aesthetics, but thigh fat also increases the risk of chronic diseases. Currently, thigh liposuction is the fastest way to remove excess fat when you have failed with other methods.

1. What is thigh liposuction?

Thigh liposuction is a method of removing excess fat from the thighs, performed similar to liposuction other places on the body, the fat is separated and liquefied then sucked out.
Thigh fat makes the thigh area less slim, causing loss of confidence for us. The thigh liposuction is usually performed on the front and back thighs, the doctor will put an instrument to liquefy the excess fat into the area to be intervened, then suck the excess fat out. However, often the excess fat in the thigh area will affect the thigh skin, after liposuction of the thigh area will make the thigh area flabby, lose its natural stretch. If the amount of fat removed is negligible, then there may not be any problems causing the skin to sag, but if liposuction removes a large amount from the thighs then an additional lift may be needed. Thighs help tighten and remove excess loose skin.

Hút mỡ đùi giúp săn chắc và loại bỏ lớp da thừa chùng nhão
Hút mỡ đùi giúp săn chắc và loại bỏ lớp da thừa chùng nhão

2. Indications and contraindications for thigh liposuction

Thigh liposuction is an option for anyone who wants to lose fat effectively that cannot be reduced by traditional methods such as diet or exercise. A person with an indication for abdominal liposuction such as:
Thigh liposuction is suitable for men and women over 18 years old and has a good mental state, no stress. The thigh area has a lot of excess fat after giving birth, due to the weight gain process, this condition does not improve despite trying many measures. The thigh skin is saggy due to excess fat. Those who want to lose excess fat in the thigh area quickly. Contraindications for thigh liposuction:
Having cardiovascular disease, blood clotting dysfunction, severe diabetes. Have a history or unstable mental and neurological illness. Women who are pregnant, breast-feeding or menstruating. Are taking anticoagulant drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen...

3. Is thigh liposuction dangerous?

Thigh liposuction is now relatively safe, but this is still considered a surgery, so there are potential risks of complications such as pain after liposuction, convex and wrinkled areas of liposuction. squinting, excessive liposuction, complications caused by the method of anesthesia, bleeding...
However, with the outstanding development of modern technology, the risk of complications has been significantly reduced, very rare. when it comes to dangerous side effects.
A number of factors are considered to minimize the risk of complications such as:
Should choose a reputable facility, perform the correct professional process, note that never skip the examination and testing step to Eliminate the risk of complications, maximum safety for customers. Choose modern thigh liposuction technology and optimize the risk of body invasiveness. The performing doctor is a person with good reputation, experience and expertise in the field of cosmetology. Do not perform or try to perform thigh liposuction when you are in the risk group. Thus, thigh liposuction can bring some risks of dangerous complications like other surgeries that are difficult to avoid completely. However, it is necessary to examine carefully and choose a reputable facility to minimize possible complications during and after surgery.

Nên chọn cơ sở uy tín để giảm thiểu các nguy cơ hút mỡ đùi
Nên chọn cơ sở uy tín để giảm thiểu các nguy cơ hút mỡ đùi

4. How is the thigh liposuction procedure?

The thigh liposuction process is performed with steps such as:
Step 1 Examination and consultation: This is an important step that cannot be ignored before performing thigh liposuction or liposuction anywhere. The doctor conducts an examination and evaluation of the excess fat in the thigh area to suggest the most appropriate technique to optimize fat removal. After choosing the right method for the customer, consult and answer the liposuction procedure so that the customer understands and feels safe before confirming the implementation. Step 2 Health Check This step is indispensable in the implementation process. The doctor will measure the vital signs, ask about the medical history, the medications you are taking and draw blood to check to meet the health criteria and then appoint liposuction. Next and localize the thigh liposuction sites. Step 3 Perform anesthesia: This will help the client feel no pain during the entire liposuction procedure. Anesthesia is usually general or regional anesthesia, depending on the method performed. Step 4 Perform liposuction: Depending on the selected fat removal method, liposuction will be performed on the customer's thighs. Step 5 Close the wound and take the client to the postoperative room to rest and monitor.

Kiểm tra sức khỏa là không thể thiếu trước khi hút mỡ đùi
Kiểm tra sức khỏa là không thể thiếu trước khi hút mỡ đùi

5. Notes after thigh liposuction

After liposuction of the thigh, the customer should note the following:
Clean the incision area daily, then change the bandage with sterile medical gauze. Use the medicine prescribed by the doctor and do not apply or use any medicine on the skin after surgery. If pain is present, additional pain relievers can be used as prescribed. Customers can shower after 2 days of surgery, but do not let water splash into the open wound area. During the rest time at home, you should rest a lot and rest in a clean and ventilated environment... Do not work hard during rest time, sleep on time and get enough sleep. Re-examination and thread trimming as directed by the doctor. When the health is stable about 4 weeks, you can participate in sports, but choose moderate and gentle exercises. Some people may experience loose thighs after thigh liposuction. So the doctor will make a specific plan to cut the thigh skin to avoid sagging. Follow a healthy eating plan: Avoid the use of fast food, high in fat. Drink enough water for the body every day, do not use stimulants such as alcohol, beer, coffee and do not smoke. When the health is completely recovered, it is advisable to implement exercise methods to avoid the accumulation of excess fat on the body. Thigh liposuction to create a slimmer and more confident leg shape in all activities. However, you should try to do fat loss with non-interventional measures first, if there is really no improvement, then use intensive interventions. When choosing thigh liposuction, you should consult and receive advice at reputable facilities to limit risks.
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