How long after breast augmentation can I lie on my side?

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Breast augmentation is one of the popular cosmetic methods aimed at improving breasts in women. After breast augmentation, women need to know how to care, protect and preserve to get the best results. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of breast augmentation after how long can you lie on your side or how long does it take to stabilize after breast augmentation?

1. Learn about breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery performed to make a woman's breasts appear fuller and rounder than they were originally. To achieve this desire, besides surgery, reasonable rest, care and abstain from some issues are equally important. Some problems can affect the shape of the breasts after surgery such as the wrong sleeping position that will cause bleeding, the breast implant is deviated from the time of surgery, infection ... Habits that cause the breasts to be affected include: carrying too heavy objects, participating in many sports activities immediately after surgery, the habit of touching and palpating the breasts, lying on the side after surgery...

Thói quen nằm nghiêng sau khi thực hiện phẫu thuật nâng ngực khiến bầu ngực bị ảnh hưởng
Thói quen nằm nghiêng sau khi thực hiện phẫu thuật nâng ngực khiến bầu ngực bị ảnh hưởng

2. How long after breast augmentation can I lie on my side?

After breast augmentation surgery, the patient needs to wear a bra for the first 1 month to help the breast implants form a certain shape as soon as possible. This is an extremely important step and the patient needs to take it seriously to achieve the best results. In particular, during the first 3-4 weeks, the patient should lie on his back and avoid lying on his side, because the chest will be tilted to the side, thereby making the breasts on both sides uneven. Some patients have this habit since childhood, so it is difficult to change, so it can be improved by placing 2 pillows on either side of the body to limit lying on the side.
In addition to improving sleep after undergoing breast augmentation, patients should also use high pillows when sleeping, do not use foods that affect sleep such as narcotics, substances that cause indigestion... To The chest heals quickly, the patient also has to abstain from foods such as seafood, water spinach..., bathe with warm water, do not touch and touch too hard on the chest, after 3 weeks, begin to practice massage - light breast massage light, drink water every day...
Breast augmentation surgery is increasingly popular and trusted to perform, giving women a fuller and fuller breast. Although breast augmentation is performed quickly, to keep the breasts from skewing and to heal the incisions, it is necessary to avoid lying on one side for the first 3-4 weeks as well as apply other prevention methods.
Hope with the above sharing you have answered the question, how long after breast augmentation can you lie on your side and how long does it take to stabilize after breast augmentation? In addition, following the correct diet and activities after breast augmentation will help you get a perfect bust and minimize unnecessary risks.
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