The spiral between diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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Diabetes itself is not really dangerous, but its complications are extremely dangerous for the patient. Among the complications caused by diabetes, cardiovascular-related complications account for the largest and most dangerous proportions. According to statistics, the cause of death from cardiovascular causes accounts for 70% of patients with diabetes, so many doctors also call the link between diabetes and heart disease the "evil alliance". Watch the following video with BSCKI.BSNT Le Duc Hiep, Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Interventionist, Vinmec Times City General Hospital to understand the relationship between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, thereby finding solutions. Best prevention for yourself and your family.
Video content is professionally consulted by BSCKI.BSNT Le Duc Hiep, Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Interventionist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

1. Effects of diabetes

Patients with diabetes are three times more likely to have coronary artery stenosis or occlusion than the general population. More than 75% of patients with diabetes are hospitalized for cardiovascular complications.
The most important mechanism is that diabetes will cause premature damage in endothelial cells, causing endothelial dysfunction in blood vessels. (1p05) When the endothelial function is disturbed, cholesterol molecules (she...) easily penetrate the endothelium, combined with increased adhesion and penetration ability of white blood cells into the endothelial layer. The fascia, from which atherosclerotic plaques will form, or the already formed atheroma will progress very rapidly leading to narrowing of the vessel lumen, causing clinical manifestations of chronic ischemic disease in organs. organization. In addition, when the vascular endothelium is damaged, it will create favorable opportunities for vasoconstriction combined with the adhesion of platelet cells, forming a thrombus in the lumen of the vessel, causing acute embolism from which leads to clinical manifestations of acute ischemia of the organization such as unstable angina, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction... seriously threatening the patient's life.

Những ảnh hưởng của bệnh đái tháo đường tới sức khỏe
Những ảnh hưởng của bệnh đái tháo đường tới sức khỏe

2. Factors that increase cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients

Factors that increase cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients can include:
High blood pressure Dyslipidemia Obesity and overweight Family history of cardiovascular disease Smoking With all When you have diabetes, you should pay special attention to your health to minimize possible complications with the heart.
Regularly monitor the body's manifestations, to detect the earliest signs of abnormalities and have the earliest possible treatment.
Always ensure that blood sugar is at the allowable level, specifically when fasting, the sugar level is ≤7.0-7.5 mmol/l and HbA1C ≤6.5-7% by not eating sweets, not eat too much carbs or lower your blood sugar by taking pills or injecting insulin as directed by your doctor. Simultaneously combined with blood pressure control goal to achieve Blood pressure below 135/85.
Diabetics should also not eat too much animal fat, should divide meals and have a reasonable diet so as not to gain weight and obesity, which puts extra pressure on the artery walls. Patients should maintain movement, exercise regularly, limit stress or strong emotions.
Finally, consult your doctor in case it is possible to use a combination of antidiabetic drugs and cardiovascular related drugs to ensure the best health.
Diabetes has a great correlation with cardiovascular diseases, so early detection and treatment of the disease is essential. You can check your heart health and check your diabetes risk at Vinmec International General Hospital.

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