Stress, prolonged stress can cause hyperthyroidism

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The article is professionally consulted by Professional Advisor, Associate Professor, Dr. Hoang Dang Mich and Master, Doctor Do Xuan Chien - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Stress not only wreaks havoc on the nervous system, but it can also affect the thyroid gland, causing hyperthyroidism. Nowadays, the number of patients suffering from hyperthyroidism is increasing, especially for women.

1. What is hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is a syndrome, ie not a separate disease. There are many diseases causing this syndrome, including Graves' disease - The most common hyperthyroid disease with goiter with protruding eyes, hyperthyroidism; Hyperthyroidism due to toxic thyrotoxic goiter, thyroiditis...
Hyperthyroidism is a group of diseases caused by increased secretion of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxin) leading to cardiovascular symptoms, increased metabolism excessively with the following symptoms: heart palpitations, weight loss...
Hyperthyroidism causes many impacts on the organs in the body, but manifests most clearly in the following symptoms:
Diarrhea: Peristalsis Frequent increased bowel is the cause of patients with hyperthyroidism to experience prolonged diarrhea. Goiter: Hyperthyroidism is an enlarged thyroid gland. This is what causes the neck, where the thyroid gland is located, to always enlarge. Hand tremor: Symptoms of hand tremor in patients with hyperthyroidism are often difficult to control with a rapid frequency, many and a smaller amplitude. Weight loss: Hyperthyroidism often causes rapid weight loss even with a normal diet. Patients should pay attention to this symptom. Sleep disturbances: Difficulty sleeping, short, interrupted sleep, restless sleep are common manifestations of hyperthyroidism patients. Body weakness, mood changes, or anxiety: Hyperthyroidism patients are often very tired, they do not want to exercise much and cannot exert themselves.

Cường giáp là một hội chứng, tức là không phải một bệnh riêng biệt
Cường giáp là một hội chứng, tức là không phải một bệnh riêng biệt

2. Stress, prolonged stress can cause hyperthyroidism

According to statistics, the frequency of the disease is very low in men compared to women, so many people think that this is a female disease. The disease is most common between the ages of 30 and 40, can occur in the elderly, but rarely occurs before the age of 10.
Stress, stress is one of the factors that increase the risk of hyperthyroidism. Some people develop this disease after psychological stress such as abandonment, traffic accidents... This is the reason why the disease is common in workers, people working far from home in mountainous and remote areas. , intellectuals working in areas of high pressure, people often have to think...
Prolonged stress will affect the thyroid gland by slowing down the body's metabolism, including gland function. armor. Therefore, stress is also a favorable factor causing weight gain and obesity. When thyroid function is reduced during stress, the levels of the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) decrease. In addition, the conversion of T4 to T3 hormone may not occur, leading to elevated T4 hormone levels, causing hyperthyroidism. Not only that, stress also indirectly affects the functioning of the thyroid gland through the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, are affected by stress. When stressed, the adrenal gland releases cortisol, which helps fight inflammation, inhibits stress. And an increase in cortisol, a glucocorticoid caused by stress, will reduce the level of TSH in the blood. When thyroid function is normal, there is a balance between hormones. But if stress causes this imbalance, symptoms of hyperthyroidism can intensify.
If hyperthyroidism is caused by iodine, the excess or deficiency of iodine can be determined by quantifying urinary iodine, but with stress and pressure in life, it is difficult to assess.

Stress, căng thẳng là một trong những yếu tố làm tăng nguy cơ mắc cường giáp
Stress, căng thẳng là một trong những yếu tố làm tăng nguy cơ mắc cường giáp
Therefore, the doctor recommends for people who have symptoms such as: High body temperature, always want to take a bath, want to fan, tired, eat well but lose weight quickly, shake hands and feet, have uncomfortable symptoms in the body. eyes such as swelling, burning, lacrimation, menstrual disorders, decreased sex drive, digestive disorders, hypokalemia in men (may manifest as temporary paralysis)... should be Go to an endocrinologist to diagnose the disease.

3. Hyperthyroidism complications

If not detected and treated promptly, hyperthyroidism can cause many dangerous complications including:
3.1 Cardiovascular complications This is a common fast heart rate in patients with hyperthyroidism, disorders More severe rhythms such as atrial fibrillation may be experienced. If not treated promptly, it can lead to heart failure in hyperthyroid patients.
3.2 Thyroid storm when the hormone level is too high, the symptoms suddenly become severe, at this time, the patient's life can be threatened if not diagnosed and treated promptly.
3.3 Malignant protrusion In hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease, the patient may have protrusion of the eye, frequent tearing and increased sensitivity to light, or associated conjunctivitis, corneal damage.

4. Reduce stress to limit hyperthyroidism

The following ways will help patients reduce long-term stress and stabilize thyroid health by making changes in daily life such as:
4.1 Eat right Maintain a healthy, balanced diet, Full of vegetables, starch, protein every day. Reducing the amount of alcohol, caffeine and sugar in your diet will help with overall energy regulation. Taking the time to sit and enjoy your meal will help your body digest the food better.
4.2 Provide adequate vitamins and minerals Get enough essential vitamins and minerals such as selenium, zinc, iron, vitamins A , B, C, and E...
4.3 Get enough sleep Not enough sleep at night will adversely affect hyperthyroidism. Stress can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep. But a good night's sleep will have a huge impact on thyroid health. You should avoid technology such as phones and TVs at the hour before going to bed. Meditation or yoga can help the body relax. Relaxation will help reduce stress and is good for the thyroid gland.

Ngủ đủ giấc giúp giảm căng thẳng stress và hạn chế bệnh cường giáp
Ngủ đủ giấc giúp giảm căng thẳng stress và hạn chế bệnh cường giáp

4.4 Increase movement Exercise can reduce stress because it lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands during times of stress, when you feel anxious, angry, or scared.
4.5 Laugh a lot Research by Loma Linda University (USA) found that: People who watch a funny video reduce the stress hormone cortisol and decrease epinephrine. These people also had an increase in endorphins, boosting feelings of euphoria, boosting immunity, and reducing depression.
4.6 Massage Massage not only helps you relax and relieve muscle tension, but also positively affects hormone levels in the body. Research from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles (USA) shows that: After receiving a 45-minute massage, levels of the "stress hormone" cortisol are reduced and vasopressin - a hormone that plays an important role in aggressive behavior and conflict.
Thyroid diseases are often left undiagnosed in 20 - 60% of the total population. That is the reason for Vinmec International General Hospital to launch the Package of Screening and Screening for Thyroid Diseases. Screening & early detection of common thyroid diseases such as simple goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, etc. appropriate and timely treatment.

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