Signs your body is dehydrated

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Headaches, dry skin, bad breath,... are signs of dehydration. Lack of water in the body will affect the functioning of the organs. Let's learn the signs of body dehydration to timely replenish water and have good health, prevent disease.

1. Causes of dehydration

Dehydration is caused by the following reasons:
Drink less water, the body is not provided with the necessary amount of fluid. The weather is dry and hot. Diet. After exercise, strenuous physical activity. Diarrhea, vomiting. Due to certain medical conditions such as diabetes.

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Tiêu chảy gây mất nước

2. Signs of dehydration

When the body lacks water, there will be the following signs:
Urinating less, reducing the amount of urine: Depending on the amount of water provided, the frequency and amount of urine varies from person to person. If the number of times you urinate in a day is only about 2-3 times or you do not urinate for many hours, it is a sign that the body is dehydrated. Urine is dark and thick: When the body is sufficiently hydrated, normal urine will be colorless, transparent and liquid. Conversely, when the body is dehydrated, the urine will be darker and more concentrated than usual. Dry skin: Dry skin is a typical sign of the body's lack of water, dehydration. Dry mouth, bad breath: When the body is dehydrated, it will reduce saliva production, causing the mouth to dry and have a bad smell. Headache, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus: The body lacks water, including the brain, is not supplied with the necessary amount of water to function, will cause headache symptoms, especially when moving muscles. body. Besides, the circulatory system also works less efficiently because lack of water will lead to dizziness, lightheadedness and ringing in the ears. Hunger and craving for sweets: Hunger can be a manifestation of the body's lack of water, because then the energy stored in the body has difficulty in being released, causing hunger and cravings, especially for food. Sweet - foods that provide a lot of energy.

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Da khô biểu hiện cơ thể thiếu nước

Constipation : Water plays a very important role for the body, especially the digestive system. In order for the digestive system to function properly and stay healthy, the body needs enough water. Therefore, constipation is an "alarm" sign that the body is not supplied with the necessary amount of water. Blood pressure decreases, heart rate increases: The body lacks water, which limits the circulation and circulation of blood, causing a drop in blood pressure. Increased heart rate is a sign that the body is dehydrated, severely dehydrated. Muscle fatigue, cramps: When the body is deprived of a certain amount of water, or lack of water affects the electrolyte balance in the body, changes in the concentration of substances such as sodium, potassium, ... can cause muscle fatigue, cramp.

3. How dehydrated body should see a doctor?

Dehydration is a fairly common condition, so people often ignore it. Dehydration can be dangerous and seriously affect your health. If dehydration is accompanied by the following symptoms, the patient should see a doctor:
Fever, chills. Have diarrhea that lasts more than 2 days. Less urine output, decreased urine output. Fatigue, poor concentration. Consciousness decline, frequent lethargy, fainting. Abdominal or chest pain.

Khi cơ thể xuất hiện sốt, ớn lạnh cần đến gặp bác sĩ ngay
Khi cơ thể xuất hiện sốt, ớn lạnh cần đến gặp bác sĩ ngay

4. How to avoid dehydration?

To avoid dehydration, which affects the functioning of organs and health, it is necessary to:
Drink enough water, about 2-3 liters equivalent to 8 glasses of water per day. It can be taken in small sips, several times a day to ensure adequate water supply for the body. Increase water and electrolyte supplementation when having fever, diarrhea or when the weather is hot and sunny, after sports or strenuous exercise. Limit the use of stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, beer, ... Regularly monitor the body's signs of dehydration to promptly replenish the necessary amount of water, help the body stay healthy and active, learn practice and work more efficiently.

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