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Tag The body lacks water
Articles in The body lacks water
What happens to the body when dehydrated or excess water?
Excess water in the body or dehydration are both conditions that negatively affect each person's health. Most of the time, dehydration is more severe.
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Benefits and dangers of water fasting to lose weight
Many studies show that water fasting can bring some health benefits such as reducing the risk of some chronic diseases and inducing autophagy - the condition of older parts of cells being broken down and recycled. However, fasting to lose weight also has certain benefits and dangers.
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Signs your body is dehydrated
Headache, dry skin, bad breath, ... are signs of dehydration. Lack of water in the body will affect the functioning of organs. Let's learn about the signs of dehydration to promptly replenish water and have good health, prevent disease.
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