Home Tag Foods rich in fiber

Articles in Foods rich in fiber

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The Recovery Phase After Dengue Fever
After recovering from dengue fever, it’s not unusual to feel worn down and need extra time - sometimes several weeks or even months - to regain full strength. Proper nutrition during this stage can go a long way toward helping you bounce back more quickly.
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Foods that soften stools for people with constipation
Constipation is a very common condition characterized by hard, dry stools, feeling the urge to defecate but not being able to, having to strain, causing negative effects on people’s health. Constipation might cause the patient's body to lose many beneficial nutrients. Therefore, to prevent constipation, you should apply foods that soften stools such as avocado, cabbage, honey lemon tea, water, etc
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Suggestions of Fruits for Hemorrhoid Patients to Eat
What to eat with hemorrhoids is a question many patients are concerned about when experiencing this condition. The disease not only affects daily life but also causes digestive and food absorption problems, while creating conditions for dangerous complications. Therefore, understanding and building a reasonable nutritional regime can help more effectively treat the disease.
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Should pregnant women eat chia seeds?
Chia seeds are derived from Salvia hispanica, a herb in the mint family native to Central America. Today, chia seeds are widely used and present in many dishes thanks to their high nutritional value. So should pregnant women use chia seeds?
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What to eat after hemorrhoid surgery?
Hemorrhoids are typically treated with surgery when the condition reaches a severe stage (heavy bleeding, prolapsed hemorrhoids) and medication is no longer effective. After hemorrhoidectomy, patients should adhere to a scientific diet to recover quickly and reduce the risk of potential complications.
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Is eating grapes good for sleep?
The result of recent research has shown that grapes contain melatonin. Therefore, some believe that eating grapes before going to bed will help you sleep better. So, is this really true?
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Dietary recommendations kidney stone lithotripsy
Many patients are concerned about their diet following kidney stone lithotripsy. So, what should you consume after lithotripsy to recover quickly, and avoid recurrence of stones?
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7 Ways to Do a Natural Colon Cleanse at Home
Digestive health plays a significant role in helping you feel happy and healthy. The colon, or large intestine, is a vital organ in the digestive system. Some people believe that cleansing the colon can improve digestive function. So, how can you cleanse your colon safely?
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