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Nocturnal chills are a condition that quite a few people experience. But not everyone knows what the cause of this condition is. Find out why you often get chills at night in the article below.
1. Feeling chills at night is what disease? Feeling chills at night is the perception of a drop in body temperature or the feeling that your body is colder than usual. You may feel chills even if your body temperature is normal and your ambient temperature is average.
There are many reasons why you may feel chills while you are sleeping. Some reasons are not so big and can be ignored, but some health problems may need treatment, for example:
Hypothyroidism: Thyroid plays an important role in metabolism. It is also the body's temperature-regulating system. When thyroid hormone levels are low in your blood, you won't have enough energy to warm yourself up. Low thyroid hormone also causes a host of other symptoms such as dry hair, brittle nails, fatigue and muscle weakness, weight gain, vision loss, feeling cold inside even when the skin is hot, constipation and skin dried. Hypothyroidism needs to be treated promptly. Anemia: Anemia is when the body's iron and red blood cells are too low. Iron helps blood cells reproduce and carry oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body. Anemia is more likely to occur in teenage girls, pregnant women, and infants who are not getting enough iron. Adults can become anemic from blood loss or a poor diet. Feeling chills at night is one of the early symptoms of anemia. Other symptoms of anemia include weakness, loss of appetite, pale skin, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and headache. Anemia also requires medical intervention. Low body weight: If you're underweight, it means you don't have enough body fat to keep your body warm. Your body temperature will naturally drop at night while you sleep. Also you may have other signs when your body weight is too low such as loss of appetite, constipation, dry hair, easy bruising of the skin, no or irregular periods, slow heart rate, dizziness and signs of depression. Lack of sleep: Not getting enough sleep can make you feel chills at night. Because your body needs enough rest to maintain the metabolism that generates heat in the body. When you are too tired, your body temperature will drop to save energy and this makes you feel chilled. Other symptoms of sleep deprivation include lack of concentration during the day, daytime sleepiness, memory loss, increased appetite, weight gain, and irritability.
Circulatory problems: For some reason the blood vessels constrict, less blood flow to the organs. In addition to providing oxygen and nutrients, blood also helps maintain body temperature. So if your blood circulation is poor, you may feel chills. Some things you do before going to bed that can reduce blood circulation such as smoking, swimming in cold water, drinking coffee, eating sugar, and taking certain medications. If you have an autoimmune disorder then you may also have Raynaud's syndrome, which causes sudden constriction of blood vessels and a drop in body temperature. Other symptoms of circulation problems include changes in skin color in the hands and feet, dizziness, tingling sensations, increased blood pressure, headaches, and muscle cramps. Low muscle mass: Working muscles help generate energy and retain heat inside the body. Low muscle mass will lower your metabolism and give you chills at night. Other symptoms of this condition include muscle weakness and slow reflexes. Not drinking enough water: If you are dehydrated and don't drink enough water, you may also feel chills at night. Drinking enough water also increases metabolism in the body, producing energy that increases body temperature. Other symptoms that indicate you're not drinking enough water include: headache, less sweating, dry skin, dry mouth, feeling very thirsty, increased hunger, and dizziness.
2. What to do when you get chills at night? There are a few things you can do to help prevent and keep you from getting chills at night.
Drink enough water during the day. Eat healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and nuts like almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds to increase body fat. Exercise to increase muscle mass and strength, while increasing protein in your diet. Go to bed at the same time every night and sleep for 6-8 hours a day. Eat iron-rich foods such as spinach, red-brown meat, molasses and iron-rich cereals. Vitamin B12 supplements can be taken as directed by your doctor to prevent anemia. Wear loose and warm clothing when sleeping. You can use heating devices such as electric blankets. Massaging the body before going to bed helps to increase the temperature. Try drinking warm beverages before bed like herbal teas and warm milk. Chills at night are caused by many causes, some of which may stem from nutrition and lifestyle, patients can improve with change measures. However, if night chills are accompanied by dangerous complications, you need to go to medical centers soon for a general health examination and treatment, to avoid dangerous complications that may occur. .
Periodic health check-ups help to detect diseases early, so that there are treatment plans for optimal results. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has general health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and individual needs of customers with a reasonable price policy.
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