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Articles in Sleepless

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30-second eye massage this way will reduce your dark circles
Proper eye massage is one of the simple, easy-to-apply measures at home, helping to reduce eye fatigue and effectively reduce dark circles. So how to massage your eyes properly?
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Is Sleeping 5 Hours Enough? How Much Should I Sleep?
Research shows that not getting enough sleep can affect your ability to communicate, solve problems, and recall information. Therefore, you need to get enough sleep or else, your body, health and overall quality of life could suffer. Read more to better understand if 5 hours of sleep is enough and how long should be.
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Why do you still have dark circles under your eyes despite adequate sleep?
Dark circles under the eyes make the face look dull, tired, and lifeless. Most of the time, this condition is caused by not getting enough sleep or staying up late. However, many people who get enough sleep still have dark circles under their eyes. Why do you still have dark circles under your eyes even though you get enough sleep?
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Causes of Nocturnal Chills
Many people experience nocturnal chills. But not everyone knows why this happens. Learn more about the possible causes of feeling cold at night in the article below.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics