Precautions while using Racecadotril 10mg

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Racecadotril 10mg is an acute diarrhea medicine that can be used for both adults and children. It is essential to refer to the dosage information, note before taking the drug, to help you avoid unwanted side effects.

1. What is Racecadotril 10mg? What's the use?

Racecadotril 10mg contains the main ingredient Racecadotril. When added to the body, this ingredient will quickly be converted into Thiorphan - one of the substances known for its ability to inhibit the enzyme enkephalinase released in the submucosa and intestinal muscles.
After being converted to Thiorphan, Racecadotril will be further converted to S - methyl and excreted in the urine, feces or lungs. With the above mechanism of action, Racecadotril 10mg is an extremely effective treatment for acute diarrhea.

2. Indications and contraindications of Racecadotril 10mg

2.1. Indications Racecadotril 10mg is commonly indicated in the treatment of the following problems:
Treatment of acute diarrhea in adults, children and infants over 3 months of age. Use Racecadotril as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of diarrheal causes. 2.2. Contraindications Although the effect is quite good, Racecadotril is contraindicated for some subjects:
Patients with a history of allergy or sensitivity to Racecadotril. The composition of the drug contains sucrose, so it is not suitable for patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance. In addition, people with glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome or saccharase-isomaltase deficiency should not use this medicine. People with liver failure, kidney failure or people who are pregnant and breastfeeding.

3. Dosage and administration of Racecadotril 10mg

3.1. How to use Racecadotril 10mg is in the form of a powder, you just need to dissolve the drug with water and drink it immediately after mixing. For young children who have difficulty taking medicine, you can mix the powder into food or mix it with milk for your baby to use.
Racecadotril 10mg should be used continuously until the stool is normal. However, you need to pay attention not to use the drug for more than 7 days without the prescription of a specialist.
3.2. Dosage Dosage Racecadotril 10mg has differences between adults and children, specifically:
Dosage for children > 15 years old and adults: Use at a dose of 100mg x 3 times/day. The interval between doses is 8 hours with a total dose not exceeding 400mg/day. Dosage for children is based on the child's weight and age.
For children from 1-9 months (weight < 9 kg): Take 1 pack of 10mg x 4 times/day in the first day. Then increase to 1 sachet (10mg) x 3 times/day in the following days. Children from 9-30 months old (weight from 9-13 kg): Take 2 packs of 10mg x 4 times/day in the first day. Then increase to 2 packs of 10mg x 3 times/day in the following days. Children from 30 months to 9 years old (weight 13 - 27 kg): Take 1 pack of 30mg x 4 times/day in the first day. Then increase to 1 pack of 30mg x 3 times/day in the following days. Children from 9 years old to 15 years old (> 27kg): Take 2 packs of 30 mg x 4 times/day in the first day. Then increase to 2 packs of 30 mg x 3 times/day in the following days. Dosage information is for reference only, you need to consult your doctor about the dose of the drug before use.

4. Side effects of the drug Racecadotril 10mg

During the use of Racecadotril 10mg, users may experience some side effects such as: drowsiness, drowsiness, rash, constipation, nausea, headache, dizziness. Therefore, if these side effects become serious, the patient should immediately notify the doctor for timely treatment.

5. Drug interactions

Currently, there are no records of possible interactions between Racecadotril 10mg with other drugs. However, you should also carefully inform your doctor about any drugs, supplements, and herbs you are taking. This will help avoid possible drug interactions.

6. Some notes to remember when using Racecadotril 10mg

During the treatment of diarrhea with Racecadotril 10mg, patients should pay attention to the following issues:
Patients should combine fluid rehydration to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea, helping the disease be controlled quickly. For babies who are still breastfed, you should still breastfeed your baby normally. However, for babies who are using formula, you need to consult with your doctor about whether to continue using it or not. Experts say that when you have diarrhea, your baby's digestive ability will be worse. At the same time, intestinal villi are also easily damaged, making it difficult to tolerate the ingredients in formula. Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to buy and use Racecadotril 10mg on their own. It is best to store Racecadotril 10mg at room temperature, absolutely do not keep the medicine in the freezer, refrigerator or humid places, where the temperature is too high because it can cause the drug to be denatured, even toxic. for the body. Pay attention to the expiry date of Racecadotril 10mg before use, absolutely do not use when the drug has expired after the expiry date printed on the package. Above is some information to help you better understand Racecadotril 10mg and know how to use it properly to achieve the best effect. After taking the medicine, but the symptoms of acute diarrhea continue to worsen, the number of bowel movements is more than 6 times a day, weight loss, blood in the stools or mucus in the stool, you need to immediately notify your doctor for treatment. best support.
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