Poor liver acne: Notes to know

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Impaired liver function can cause many different disease manifestations, in which acne, especially in hot weather, is very common. Especially those who have an unhealthy diet such as using a lot of alcoholic drinks, greasy foods... or have rashes and itchiness.

1. What is a poor liver?

The liver is a very important organ for us, it performs over 500 different functions. In particular, the important task of helping to metabolize and eliminate toxins from the body, avoiding endogenous or exogenous toxins that adversely affect the body. Poor liver acne is a skin rash caused by impaired liver function. When the liver does not metabolize and eliminate toxins, toxins will accumulate leading to boils and rashes.
Weak liver acne can occur at any age, reflecting a decrease in liver function. Usually only appears for a while, but if prolonged, it may be accompanied by other manifestations such as anorexia, abdominal distention, poor sleep, easy bleeding, ... this reflects an aggravating liver disease. , need monitoring and treatment.

2. What causes bad liver to have acne?

Weak liver condition can be caused by many causes, the main causes of pimples and rashes include:
Regular use of alcohol, tobacco Use of harmful irritants , causing damage to liver cells, making the liver unable to eliminate toxins from the body. These substances, if not metabolized by the liver for excretion, are at risk of poisoning. Like alcohol poisoning, when using a large amount of the liver can not handle all, harmful substances accumulate in the blood will affect the organs, reduce liver function and especially the nervous system.
Unhealthy diet Regularly use foods that harm the liver such as processed foods, fast foods that contain many substances that are harmful to the liver, including preservatives, chemicals, sweeteners, and artificial sweeteners. color...; Eating a lot of greasy food, hot spicy food, foods containing a lot of salt, a lot of sugar ... These substances increase pressure on the liver, when the liver is easily damaged, causing diseases such as liver heat, liver infection. fatty liver , hepatitis , if prolonged can lead to cirrhosis .
So a healthy diet is very important in helping your liver work efficiently and avoid unnecessary damage.
Unreasonable living habits Due to high pressure work, being often stressed, tired, often staying up late, not sleeping enough is also a factor that makes the liver weak, acne, liver function decline Not only that, but other functions in the body are also affected.

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Thường xuyên thức khuya có thể gây suy giảm chức năng gan

If inactivity causes the body to stagnate, accumulating excess energy is also one of the factors that damage the liver.
In addition, if you work regularly in a polluted environment, dust, and are exposed to chemicals, these substances can be passed through the respiratory tract or skin into the body and then through the liver and also lead to liver damage. , other agencies.
Hepatitis virus infection Viral hepatitis is a fairly common disease in Vietnam, the virus can cause silent damage to liver cells. When the virus attacks liver cells, it reduces liver function and leads to some symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, itching, abdominal distention, pain in the liver,...
To recognize the presence of an inflammatory virus infection Liver disease or not requires testing, because the manifestations are often nonspecific and sometimes even unclear.

3. Some manifestations of liver dysfunction on the skin

When liver function declines can cause many different manifestations on the skin, some signs to recognize this condition such as:
Feeling a lot of itching or tingling on the skin: Itching caused by the liver is usually a tingly itch. ran. Symptoms of itching are often on areas such as hands, feet, face, back, sometimes the whole body. Rash: The skin shows signs of spreading red, pink patches in the itchy areas. Urticaria, rash: Hepatic heat can lead to an increased risk of allergic reactions to exogenous agents. There may be a rash or urticaria accompanied by severe itching. Discomfort, affecting quality of life.

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Suy giảm chức năng gan có thể gây nổi mề đay, mẩn cụ

4. Things to note when the liver is not acne-prone?

Pimples or rashes can be caused by many different causes, so if you have a rash that uses non-medical or prolonged measures, you need to see a dermatologist to know the cause of the disease. When the liver is weak, acne shows that liver function is not good, so it is necessary to have a scientific diet to reduce alcohol, beer, stimulants, limit fast food, processed food, avoid food eat greasy and high sugar, drink lots of water, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables...; Reasonable mode of living and rest; Regular exercise and sports... Can use some foods with liver detoxification effect to enhance detoxification function. Some herbs that can reduce liver heat can be used such as green tea, centella asiatica, lettuce, artichokes ... Can boil water to drink during acne. Do not use long-term cooling herbs that can lead to bad effects, especially in the cold season. Do not use drugs indiscriminately without a doctor's prescription, especially drugs such as antipyretics, pain relievers, antibiotics, etc. If the rash appears with other symptoms. such as anorexia, fatigue, bloating, slow digestion, easy bleeding under the skin, fainting... Then you should go to the doctor to detect liver diseases early and get early treatment. Periodic liver examination: This is a good measure for diagnosis, timely detection and effective treatment and early treatment to avoid dangerous complications affecting health. The liver is not good, acne can be seen in people who have a diet, activities that are not good for the liver or have liver disease. However, it is important to note that other causes can also lead to this condition, so it is necessary to visit a doctor to know the exact cause of the disease, to help treat it effectively.

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