Foods and Drugs to Avoid When You Have Hepatitis C

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The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Nhat - Infectious Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Since ancient times, the liver has always been considered as the chemical processing factory of the body. One of the liver's important jobs is to filter and process anything that comes into the body. However, if you have hepatitis C in particular and liver diseases in general, the above function can be problematic. When substances are left in the body longer, it will cause certain effects and damage to the liver. To avoid these risks and effectively treat hepatitis C, you need to carefully adjust and choose the foods, functional foods and drugs you take in. So, what should you avoid when you have hepatitis C?

1. Food

A nutritious diet can help the liver form new cells. But if you unfortunately have hepatitis C , there are some foods that are recommended to be avoided or used less, which are:
Raw oysters or shellfish (such as clams, mussels, crabs and shrimp, .. .) . This is because they can contain bacteria that make you more susceptible to infection, which is higher if you have hepatitis C. High-fat, high-sugar foods. They can put stress on your liver or lead to fat accumulation in it. Salty, salty foods (such as smoked meat, fish sauce,...). Avoid foods that are too salty if you tend to get fluid in your stomach or legs. In addition to food, many people also wonder what to abstain from hepatitis C?

Bạn nên tránh thức ăn mặn, động vật có vỏ và các loại thức ăn nhiều chất béo/đường.
Bạn nên tránh thức ăn mặn, động vật có vỏ và các loại thức ăn nhiều chất béo/đường.

2. Alcohol

When it comes to hepatitis C treatment, gradually reducing or completely eliminating alcohol is always one of the recommendations that is especially emphasized by doctors. Because when you have hepatitis C, your liver has signs of impaired function. Therefore, drinking even small amounts can increase your risk of serious liver disease and cause many viruses to stay in your body longer. If you can stop, or at least cut back, the viral load can drop.
Alcohol and alcoholic beverages can cause inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver (scarring of the liver), increasing the risk of liver cancer. Therefore, people with cirrhosis or waiting for a liver transplant due to hepatitis C should not drink alcohol.
Some people treat hepatitis C with specialized drugs, however, alcohol can interfere with the drug's effects. And drinking also makes it harder to take your medications on time and on schedule. For some patients who are taking Interferon to treat certain medical conditions (such as depression, etc.), drinking alcohol can make the drug's side effects worse.

Rượu và các đồ uống có cồn có thể gây viêm và xơ hóa gan (sẹo gan), làm tăng nguy cơ mắc ung thư gan.
Rượu và các đồ uống có cồn có thể gây viêm và xơ hóa gan (sẹo gan), làm tăng nguy cơ mắc ung thư gan.

3. Tobacco and illegal drugs

Stimulants and drugs in general are not good for the liver, for example, marijuana can lead to the formation of liver scarring very quickly. Using needles to inject stimulants can increase the risk of hepatitis C re-infection.
Smoking also increases the risk of liver cancer. Therefore, the advice is to minimize the amount of smoking per day, or it is best to quit smoking completely to protect health.

Hút thuốc lá cũng tăng nguy cơ ung thư gan.
Hút thuốc lá cũng tăng nguy cơ ung thư gan.

4. Medications to treat hepatitis C

If you have cirrhosis from hepatitis C infection, you need to be careful about the medicines you use to treat it. The dosage of some medications will need to be adjusted, and there are some medications that should be avoided altogether. Some medications to avoid include:
Acetaminophen . Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Sleeping pills or sedatives. Regardless of what stage you have hepatitis C, be sure to follow these guidelines:
Share a list of all prescription and over-the-counter medicines with your doctor. Make sure your doctors know you have hepatitis C. Take as little medicine as possible. Read the ingredient lists of over-the-counter medications carefully. Acetaminophen is found in many cold and flu medicines and most pain relievers, so be careful.

Acetaminophen, NSAIDs, thuốc ngủ/thuốc an thần là các loại thuốc cần tránh.
Acetaminophen, NSAIDs, thuốc ngủ/thuốc an thần là các loại thuốc cần tránh.

5. Functional foods and herbs

Talk to your doctor before taking any of the following if you have hepatitis C, as some can cause serious liver damage.
It is important to note that herbal and dietary supplements are not classified as drugs by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This means that these types do not undergo quality control and testing to assess safety and effectiveness.
Some natural products that can pose a risk to your liver are:
Chaparral. Jin Bu Huan. Germander. Comfrey, mate and Gordolobo yerba tea. Mistletoe (Mistletoe). Skullcap. Pennyroyal (squaw mint oil). Margosa oil (Neem oil). Kava. Yohimbe. In addition, weight loss products can also harm the liver, similar to consuming large amounts of vitamins and minerals such as: Iron, Vitamins A, D, E, K.
Thus, choose foods Be careful and take the medicine exactly as directed by the doctor, combined with actively checking the dose of medicine used during the day in accordance with the condition of the disease, this will help protect the health of your liver.

Nên cảnh giác với sản phẩm giảm cân.
Nên cảnh giác với sản phẩm giảm cân.

Liver function test is extremely necessary. Patients can still feel healthy and do normal activities without thinking that they are at risk of liver disease, may progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer, and may even have severe liver failure. danger to life. Therefore, we need to monitor our health by having regular liver function tests every 6 months to be able to detect early and prevent possible bad situations. Vinmec International General Hospital with modern and advanced equipment and professional staff is confident to be a prestigious examination address for customers in need.

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