The article was professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Urologist - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital. The doctor has more than 12 years of experience in the field of urology and specialized urology.
Pimples can form and develop on any part of the body that has pores, including the penis. Due to its sensitive nature, pimples or a red rash in this area may be symptoms of various conditions that require medical attention.
1. Causes of pimples on the penis
1.1. Non-pathological causes
Pimples will appear when pores are clogged with dirt, such as oil and dead skin cells or a mixed nest of bacteria. Pimples on the penis may also contain pus and feel soft or hard to the touch.
Shaving pubic hair is one of the common causes of red rashes on the penis due to skin irritation. As the damaged skin heals, the combination of ingrown hairs and other abrasions can cause penile pimples.
Razor bumps tend to heal on their own. To soothe the damaged skin and prevent future irritation, apply an oatmeal-based lotion to the area each time you shave. You are also at higher risk of penile pimples if you:
- Do not shower regularly;
- Live in a humid climate;
- Have oily skin;
- Wear underwear that is too tight, which can cause friction.
Some cases of penile pimples are harmless and do not require treatment, while others require medical intervention.
1.2. Pathological causes
Penile pimples can appear regardless of whether a man is sexually active. However, if he is sexually active, unusual pimples can be a sign of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or other dermatological problems. For example:
- Fordyce Spots
A sebaceous gland is a sebaceous gland that lies beneath the hair follicles and can be seen in hairless areas - like the penis. Small white or yellow pimples on the penis are a sign of this condition. Sebaceous glands that appear on the penis often also appear in the mouth and grow in clusters of 50 to 100. Although harmless, sebaceous glands can sometimes be cosmetically unsightly. They can be treated with several dermatological procedures, such as lasers, or by taking Isotretinoin
- Pearly penile papules (Tyson's glands)
Tyson's glands are sebaceous glands that protrude from the head of the penis and can be seen around the coronal and coronal sulcus, or in the small folds of tissue underneath the penis. These small pearly papules cause white or yellow pimples on the penis, but they are considered benign and do not require treatment because they are part of the normal anatomy. Although not related to pathological pimples on the penis, Tyson's glands secrete oil that causes the tip of the genitals to become uncomfortably moist.
- Folliculitis
Symptoms of folliculitis are red rashes on the penis and a little pus near the base of the hair growth. These bumps are often painful and itchy but can also go away on their own without treatment. However, in some severe or recurrent cases, antibacterial topical medications may be needed to help clear up existing bumps and prevent future inflammation.
- Lymphatic cysts
Lymphatic cysts, also known as lymphoid tumors, form along the shaft of the penis due to blockage of lymph fluid after sexual activity or masturbation. External forces that cause pimples on the penis are usually only temporary and will go away on their own without treatment.
- Molluscum contagiosum
When infected with a sexually transmitted virus, the penile pimples will develop a molluscum rash with a red halo around it. Molluscum contagiosum not only affects the genitals but also spreads to surrounding areas. If detected early, the disease can be easily treated with cryotherapy to prevent the spread.
- Syphilis
Syphilis is a serious sexually transmitted infection. A red rash on the penis that gradually turns into an ulcer is the first and only sign of the disease. Syphilis infection on the penis can disappear on its own and then recur many years later. However, the patient is still at risk of infecting others during this time. Antibiotics are needed to treat syphilis because if it progresses severely, there is a risk of organ damage and neurological complications.
- Genital warts
Genital warts are transmitted through unprotected sex, similar to HPV and herpes viruses. Symptoms of the disease are warts on the penis along the shaft and growing in clusters that resemble the surface of the cauliflower. Although genital warts are not cancerous, if they originate from the HPV virus, they will create a risk of developing penile cancer in the future. Patients need to see a doctor for instructions on how to prevent the spread of infection, as well as limit complications.
2. Treatment of penile pimples
Sexually transmitted diseases will leave some dangerous complications if not treated promptly and actively. Therefore, if you suspect unusual pimples on the penis, you need to go to the hospital for examination to diagnose the cause. In addition, it is important to note:
2.1. Limit aggravating factors
The condition of penile pimples will usually go away on its own if the genital area is kept clean and dry. Therefore, the best way to improve is to limit touching and contact. Doctors advise against squeezing pimples on the genitals because the direct impact will often make the pimples worse, appear densely, cause infection, and spread bacteria. When the penis has a large red rash, pimples with pus, or water retention, the patient needs to see a dermatologist to drain the pus or remove the pimples safely.
The condition of penile pimples will usually go away on its own if the genital area is kept clean and dry. Therefore, the best way to improve is to limit touching and contact. Doctors advise against squeezing pimples on the genitals because the direct impact will often make the pimples worse, appear densely, cause infection, and spread bacteria. When the penis has a large red rash, pimples with pus, or water retention, the patient needs to see a dermatologist to drain the pus or remove the pimples safely.
2.2. Choose the right topical medication
Do not use the same topical cream for pimples on other parts of the body for the genitals because the skin in this area is thinner and more sensitive. Popular acne products, such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, can be too strong for the penis and will cause significant itching and rash.
2.3. Use oral medication
If the penis has white pimples or any unusual color, the patient can consult a doctor about oral acne medications, such as:
Antibiotics: These have the effect of eliminating the bacteria that cause pimples on the penis, but should only be used for a short time, as prescribed by a doctor, to avoid improper use of antibiotics;
Isotretinoin (Accutane): This is a high-dose vitamin A derivative and is sold by prescription with the effect of treating cystic acne or severe inflammatory acne.
In short, pimples on the penis are usually not a serious problem and can heal on their own without leaving too many complications. However, if the patient has paid attention to hygiene and applied some home remedies but the condition still does not improve, they should see a doctor for diagnosis. In addition, signs such as a red rash spreading on the penis, accompanied by pus discharge, as well as papules changing in size, shape, or nature may be a sign of infection or another underlying disease, requiring medical intervention and appropriate follow-up care.
In addition, signs such as a red rash spreading on the penis, accompanied by pus discharge, as well as papules changing in size, shape, or nature may be a sign of infection or another underlying disease, requiring medical intervention and appropriate follow-up care. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital provides a Social Disease Screening and Examination Package to help customers detect diseases early and have effective treatment, preventing dangerous complications. The Social Disease Screening Package at Vinmec is for all ages, both men and women. Not only does Vinmec have a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors, but it is also fully equipped with modern equipment to diagnose and stage the disease most effectively. Especially when coming to Vinmec International General Hospital, patients do not have to wait long, examination time is quick and the team of experienced medical staff will carefully guide the use of drugs, and guide them to change their lifestyle positively to help them easily comply with their treatment management.
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