Papaya - Can people with diabetes and gestational diabetes eat it?

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Video content consulted by Doctor Vo Ha Bang Suong -Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital

Currently, many people wonder "can diabetics eat papaya?" or “what to eat with diabetes?” to support effective treatment.

In this regard, Doctor Vo Ha Bang Suong - Vinmec Phu Quoc said that papaya is one of the fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, the price is relatively cheap and can be used Used as an alternative for various health conditions (constipation, overweight...). The nutrition of papaya in 100g includes energy (163 Kj), protein, carbohydrates (16mg), fat, fiber... The sugar content in papaya is quite low, so if you have diabetes, eat papaya. Moderate amounts will not raise blood sugar levels.
Question "Can diabetics eat papaya?" then the answer is yes. Eating papaya is good for diabetics because it has a low glycemic index (GI = 25). After eating papaya, sugar will be released slowly into the blood, so it will not increase the patient's sugar. Besides, eating papaya has a lot of fiber to help treat constipation, diabetics can completely use papaya.
To ensure safety when eating papaya, the patient should note a number of issues such as:
Should not eat too much papaya at one time, but should be divided into several small meals a day; Should eat papaya whole pieces; Using papaya juice will increase the amount of sugar; For pregnant women with gestational diabetes can eat papaya, but there should be separate notes when eating papaya so as not to affect the fetus.
Should only eat about 2-3 times a week and the serving is only a small piece to control the maximum blood sugar content. Eat papaya in moderation. Pregnant women should not eat green papaya to limit the risk of uterine contractions. Do not eat overripe papaya to avoid the baby's skin becoming jaundiced due to the action of beta carotene. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes who are experiencing problems related to the digestive system and intestines should also consider before eating overripe papaya. In short, finding out "can diabetics eat papaya?" or “what to eat with diabetes?” It will help the patient get a suitable diet, support the effective treatment process.

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