Oral cancer prevention

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Learning about oral and throat cancer prevention options will help equip us with the knowledge we need to reduce our risk of getting this deadly disease.

1. What is oral cavity cancer?

Among head and neck cancers, cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx are the most common. Tumors can appear at the location of the gums, palate, tongue or oral mucosa....
Oral cancer is a condition where malignant tumors appear anywhere in the oral cavity and cause pain, discomfort, if not timely intervention, the disease will progress very quickly and lead to a high risk of death in the patient.
The main cause of oral cancer is because the patient's oral mucosa is often irritated by sharp objects or the habit of smoking, chewing betel nut, flossing, and working with long-term exposure to UV rays. , the sun and an unexpected cause is the patient's poor oral hygiene or improper use of dentures.
According to statistics, oral cavity cancer accounts for 40% of head and neck cancers. In 2002, over 270,000 cases of oral cancer were diagnosed worldwide, including 145,000 deaths from this disease. Cancer of the mouth and throat is common in men over 40 years old, and those who have a habit of eating betel nut and smoking.

2. Warning signs of oral cancer

Signs of oral and throat cancer in the early stages are often very vague, making patients subjective and easily mistaken for other diseases. In order to be able to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to have a periodical oral health examination or it can be based on some of the following subjective and objective signs:
Damage to the mucosa caused by dentures or sharp objects sharp, the wound does not heal on its own after 2 weeks; The lesion is in the form of a hard submucosal lump, the border is not clear, the patient does not feel pain and the lesion grows slowly while the mucosa on the surface is normal;

Bị tổn thương dạng cục cứng dưới niêm mạc
Bị tổn thương dạng cục cứng dưới niêm mạc

The oral cavity appears white rice grains at positions such as gums, jaw or cheek mucosa; Appearance of white spots on normal mucosa with rough surface and irregular border; Wound that does not heal after tooth extraction, the wound is red and swollen to the touch; An area of ​​the oral mucosa is red and painful, difficult to heal; Pain in the oral cavity with no known cause, with increasing frequency of pain.

3. Effective prevention of oral cancer

Oral and pharyngeal cancer is a disease that, although dangerous, can be completely cured if detected and treated in the early stages. However, if the disease is detected late, when the cancer has entered a dangerous stage, the patient faces the risk of death, which can only prolong life within 5 years. Therefore, it is very important to prevent and detect the symptoms and signs of oral cancer or cancer of the tongue and mouth sores, helping to bring about treatment opportunities and life for patients. Some measures to prevent oral cancer include:
Give up the habit of using tobacco: The habit of smoking is not only a cause of oral cancer in particular, but also causes the body to contract many other diseases. . Therefore, to protect your health, it is best to give up this bad habit, stopping smoking is the most effective way to prevent oral cancer.
Do not drink alcohol: Abuse of alcohol is a bad habit that can stimulate the mucosal cells in the oral cavity and is a common cause of oral cancer in men. Therefore, to prevent oral cancer, you should only drink alcohol in moderation, not abuse.
Build a scientific, healthy diet: A scientific and healthy diet with lots of green vegetables and fruits can help supplement vitamins and antioxidants for the body, helping to reduce the risk of cancer. maximal oral cancer.
Avoid too long exposure to the sun: One of the main causes of oral cancer is that the patient has to be exposed for too long to the sun and UV rays. Therefore, to effectively prevent oral cancer, choose to work in the shade when possible, if you must work outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat and use sun protection products. skin from the effects of the sun.
Proper oral hygiene:

Vệ sinh răng miệng đúng cách ngăn ngừa ung thư vòm họng
Vệ sinh răng miệng đúng cách ngăn ngừa ung thư vòm họng

Daily, maintain oral hygiene habits after eating and before going to bed to reduce the risk of mouth and throat cancer.
Periodic dental health check: Periodic dental examination is the most effective way to determine the status of oral health and prevent oral cancer. Ask your dentist to examine your mouth for areas that feel abnormal that may be causing mouth and throat cancer or precancerous changes.

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