Home Tag Tongue cancer

Articles in Tongue cancer

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Uses of Agrimony
Agrimony is indicated for the treatment of diarrhea, mucosal colitis, gallbladder disease associated with increased gastric secretion and sore throat. However, Agrimony drug causes opposite reactions such as dermatitis, ... Therefore, patients need to carefully study information and consult a doctor before treatment.
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Is painless tongue ulcer a sign of cancer?
Nhiều người thường nhầm lẫn bị loét ở lưỡi chỉ là dấu hiệu của bệnh nhiệt miệng thông thường. Tuy nhiên, loét lưỡi kéo dài rất có thể là triệu chứng của các bệnh lý nghiêm trọng. Vài năm gần đây, tỷ lệ người mắc bệnh ung thư lưỡi ngày một tăng cao - và loét lưỡi là một trong những dấu hiệu nhận biết căn bệnh này.
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Diagnosis and treatment of glossitis in children
Viêm lưỡi bản đồ là tình trạng viêm lưỡi lành tính thường bắt đầu khi còn nhỏ, biểu hiện là trẻ xuất hiện các triệu chứng như lưỡi có những đám đỏ trắng ở lưỡi, giống như hình bản đồ.
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Oral cancer prevention
Learning about oral and throat cancer prevention options will help equip us with the knowledge we need to reduce our risk of getting this deadly disease.
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Early signs of tongue cancer
Tongue cancer usually develops from squamous epithelial cells on the surface of the tongue. The most noticeable sign of tongue cancer is a sore that won't heal on the tongue and is painful. Therefore, you should see a doctor if these symptoms persist along with other abnormalities in the mouth area.
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Stages of tongue cancer development and signs that are easy to miss
The rate of tongue cancer in Vietnam and other countries around the world is increasing day by day. It is one of the most common cancers in the mouth and surrounding areas. Signs in the early stages of the disease are often difficult to detect without paying attention, when the symptoms are already in the late stages.
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Who should be screened for tongue cancer?
Tongue cancer is a type of oral cancer that usually develops from squamous epithelial cells on the surface of the tongue and manifests as a tumor or ulcer. The most noticeable signs of tongue cancer are non-healing sores on the tongue and tongue pain.
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Risk factors for tongue cancer
Oral cancer is cancer that develops in the tissues of the mouth or throat. It belongs to a larger group of cancers called head and neck cancers. Most develop in the squamous cells found in your mouth, tongue, and lips.
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Tongue cutting surgery
Tonsilectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the part of the tongue behind the V tongue. To avoid the risk of complications, risks, patients need to coordinate with all instructions of the doctor.
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Differentiate between glossitis and tongue cancer
Glossitis and tongue cancer are among the most common diseases in the oral cavity. Clinically, these are two completely different pathologies. However, because the presentation of each patient is different, sometimes there is still confusion in the diagnosis. So how to distinguish geographic glossitis from tongue cancer?
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