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Articles in Heat mouth

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Gelclair: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Mouth ulcers and swelling are conditions that cause extremely uncomfortable pain, significantly affecting the quality of life of sufferers. To make eating more comfortable, the doctor may prescribe Gelclair to create a coating on the inside of the mouth and reduce irritation. So what does Gelclair do?
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Uses of Gel Kamistad
Gel kamistad is a topical medication, indicated for cases of painful ulcers in the mouth, lips or gums. The drug is used according to the dose recommended by the doctor, so the patient should avoid self-adjusting the dose for personal treatment purposes.
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Uses of Amlexanox
Amlexanox medicine 40mg is used to support the treatment of mouth ulcers. Medicines taken by mouth can cause reactions that need attention such as allergies, rashes... To use the drug effectively and avoid unwanted side effects, you can refer to the information in the following article. .
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Uses of Tralumium
Tralumi medicine is derived from natural herbal extracts, is a special medicine for mouth and tongue ulcers. The medicinal herbs in Tralumi are cool, clear heat, detoxify, heal small ulcers in the oral cavity.
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Is it dangerous for people with chronic hepatitis B to appear hot and itchy?
Hello doctor, I have chronic hepatitis B, hba1c -reactive index >1000.00, hbeag-reactive index 1.76, I often have rashes, mouth sores, sometimes right lower quadrant pain. So it's very dangerous, isn't it, doctor? Seek medical advice.
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What is the symptom of choking in the neck causing pain when moving?
Hi doctor! I'm Linh, I'm 23 years old this year, I used to have a feeling of choking in my neck like something was blocked and I couldn't swallow. After that, after a while, I often had pain in my neck when I bent down, I felt tired, one day when I slept at night, I felt like I couldn't breathe and when I swallowed it was painful and uncomfortable. About every 3 to 5 minutes, my neck keeps getting painful to the stomach. Sitting up, the pain increased. When I wake up to eat and drink, I feel like swallowing a foreign body, where the food goes, I have a feeling of pain. But by 7:00 am, the pain gradually lessened. But if I move my neck strongly like turning my head, it hurts again. Since that day, I have not taken any medicine or gone to the doctor anywhere. Doctor, tell me what is the symptom of choking in the neck causing pain when moving? Thank you doctor!
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Causes of burning mouth syndrome
Although burning mouth syndrome is not dangerous, it causes a lot of discomfort, especially the sufferer will feel pain and pain when eating and chewing food. So what is burning mouth disease and what causes burning mouth syndrome?
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Can Oracortia Mouth Cream be Swallowed?
Oracortia belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs, used to treat canker sores. Let's learn about the uses and dosage of Oracortia through the article below.
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Cool off with tapioca flour, give this thing too much, beware of mouth ulcers and diabetes
Thời tiết nắng nóng làm cho mọi người có xu hướng tìm đến những món đồ ăn uống có tính mát. Trong đó, dùng bột sắn dây “giải nhiệt”, ngăn ngừa mụn nhọt, rôm sảy, làm mát da dẻ là lựa chọn phổ biến trong các gia đình. Tuy nhiên, không phải ai cũng biết sử dụng thức uống này đúng cách.
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Is painless tongue ulcer a sign of cancer?
Nhiều người thường nhầm lẫn bị loét ở lưỡi chỉ là dấu hiệu của bệnh nhiệt miệng thông thường. Tuy nhiên, loét lưỡi kéo dài rất có thể là triệu chứng của các bệnh lý nghiêm trọng. Vài năm gần đây, tỷ lệ người mắc bệnh ung thư lưỡi ngày một tăng cao - và loét lưỡi là một trong những dấu hiệu nhận biết căn bệnh này.
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What to do when the child has a high fever, sore throat?
Viêm loét miệng là một bệnh lý thường gặp ở trẻ em. Vết loét tạo cảm giác đau rát, đặc biệt khi tiếp xúc với thức ăn nên khiến trẻ khó ăn uống, quấy khóc, bỏ ăn, bỏ bú, chảy nước miếng. Ban đêm trẻ thường khó ngủ và hay ngồi dậy khóc do đau miệng.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics