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Tag Dental hygiene
Articles in Dental hygiene
Gastroesophageal reflux disease causes halitosis
When gastroesophageal reflux disease appears, digesting food in the stomach and acid will come back to the esophageal, nasopharynx, and mouth causing halitosis. Therefore, halitosis is a common symptom in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients.
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Increased salivation, why?
Saliva secreted by the salivary glands plays an essential role in the digestion of food in humans. Both insufficient saliva production and excessive saliva secretion are issues that deserve attention, as they may indicate underlying abnormalities in the body.
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How to Remove Black Stains on Teeth
Black spots on teeth (also known as black tartar) not only make the mouth lose its charm and aesthetics, but can also be the main cause of many dangerous oral diseases. Let's find out with Vinmec the causes, signs and the safest way to remove black spots on teeth.
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Is it dangerous if a wisdom tooth grows sideways into the cheek?
A wisdom tooth growing sideways into the cheek is one of the cases of wisdom teeth growing improperly. Misaligned wisdom teeth often cause discomfort and can negatively impact oral health. In this article, you will learn why wisdom teeth frequently grow improperly, whether wisdom teeth growing into the cheek is dangerous, how to recognize it, and how to address misaligned wisdom teeth.
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Frequent Pain When Swallowing Saliva: Is It Cause for Concern?
Experiencing pain when swallowing saliva can cause significant discomfort and disrupt daily life. This common symptom may result from various underlying conditions. The pain occurs when the mucosa of the throat rubs against each other during swallowing. If there are pre-existing ulcers or obstructions, the discomfort intensifies. Identifying the root cause is crucial for effective treatment, enabling faster relief and improved quality of life.
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When Does a Tooth Take Long to Grow Back After Extraction? Is It Necessary to See a Doctor?
The issue of a child’s tooth taking a long time to grow back is something many parents are concerned about during the baby tooth replacement stage. So how long does it take for a baby tooth to grow back after extraction, and does the delay in tooth eruption affect the child’s oral health?
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