There are plenty of sweet foods that you dream about when craving. Depending on the kind of food, sweet cravings can often indicate that your body is lacking essential nutrients.
1. Lack of Calcium and Magnesium causes sweet cravings.
If you are craving sweets, such as sparkling, it may be a sign that your body is deficient in calcium and magnesium, which can result in fatigue and a lack of alertness. Caffeine, often found in carbonated drinks, can help you stay awake but is also addictive. However, consuming sparkles doesn’t replenish these vital minerals and may further deplete them.
Similarly, cravings for chocolate bars can indicate a deficiency of magnesium. Feelings of anxiety, stress, or even depression may also be linked to magnesium deficiency.
To stay awake and combat these cravings, consider consuming chocolate. Studies proved that consuming amount of dark chocolate every day (100g - 400g per day) can help improve symptoms of depression. However, it’s important to choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate, which is commonly found in supermarkets.
2. Chromium deficiency leads to a lack of energy for the body’s activities
A deficiency in chromium can disrupt your blood sugar balance, leading to feelings of low energy, and then you subsequently crave sweets.
In our body, chromium and insulin play a role in regulating blood sugar levels, weight control, and appetite stimulation. Hypoglycemia or blood sugar disorder due to a lack of chromium can prompt your body to seek out sugary foods.
However, to avoid unhealthy weight gain and potential diabetes, it’s best to steer clear of candy. Instead, incorporate foods rich in chromium, such as cereals, eggs, seafood (like oysters), and fresh or dried fruits like kohlrabi, cherries, and grapes.

3. Deficiency of B Vitamins
Cravings for sweets during moments of tension, sadness, or moodiness may stem from a serious deficiency in B vitamins. B vitamins, including B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B5 (pantothenic acid), are essential for energy production.
When the brain is deprived of energy, stress can lead to an increased desire for sugary foods to improve this condition, as well as a tendency to consume more fat. This pattern can contribute to weight gain over time. To avoid this consequence, instead of reaching for sweets, consider including foods rich in B vitamins, such as soybeans, peanuts, fish oil, and orange juice in your diet.
If you're frequently experiencing cravings for sweet foods alongside symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, stress, or lack of alertness, it may indicate deficiencies in crucial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, chromium, and B vitamins. It’s necessary to consult a physician to consider supplementing with micronutrients.
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