Nutrition to prevent high blood pressure

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In addition to the use of treatment drugs, it is very important to adhere to a nutritional regimen for people with high blood pressure. Because nutrition plays a huge role in controlling and minimizing complications caused by hypertension.

1. High blood pressure is a dangerous disease

High blood pressure is a dangerous disease and increases the risk of many medical complications for the patient. Over time, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels and is a precursor to diseases such as heart attack, kidney disease, stroke, and many other dangerous diseases.
High blood pressure is also considered a "silent killer" because the symptoms of high blood pressure are often not obvious. In fact, if the patient does not check their blood pressure regularly, it will not be easy to detect the symptoms of this disease. Therefore, most patients are diagnosed with high blood pressure at a late stage and have appeared dangerous complications.
Therefore, for patients diagnosed with high blood pressure, in addition to strictly following the instructions of the doctor about the use of drugs, the schedule of follow-up visits, the maintenance of the diet when having high blood pressure. Reasonable pressure is also very important. Because diet has a great influence on the blood pressure index in the body.

Bệnh cao huyết áp có thể làm tổn thương tim mạch
Bệnh cao huyết áp có thể làm tổn thương tim mạch

2. Principles in the diet for people with high blood pressure

Diet for hypertensive people can control blood pressure if the patient adheres to the principles of using low salt, rich in potassium, calcium, fiber, reducing fat and reducing stimulants.
2.1. Distribution of reasonable proportion of food ingredients in the diet for hypertensive people About energy: About 30kcal/kg ideal body weight/day (ideal weight = odd number of height x 0.9; example 160cm tall, ideal weight will be 60 x 0.9 = 54kg) Protein: 12 - 14% of total energy Fat (lipid): 15 - 20% of total energy. Unsaturated fatty acids make up 1⁄3 double bonds, many double bonds account for 1⁄3 and saturated fatty acids account for 1⁄3 of the total lipids. Accordingly, patients with hypertension should eat sesame, peanuts, vegetable oil, fish oil. Do not eat foods containing a lot of cholesterol such as animal organs, heart, liver, pig intestine. Fiber: 20 - 25g/day In addition, people with high blood pressure should limit their salt intake, supplement with vitamins and minerals found in green vegetables and fruits.

2.2. Maintain a low-salt, high-potassium, calcium-rich diet In a diet for people with high blood pressure, salt should be limited, and at the same time, the amount of MSG should be reduced. Avoid certain fermented, salted foods such as pickles, pickles, and canned foods.

Người bệnh tăng huyết áp cần duy trì chế độ ăn ít muối
Người bệnh tăng huyết áp cần duy trì chế độ ăn ít muối

2.3. Limit foods that stimulate the nervous system People with high blood pressure should not use alcohol, beer and stimulants. Increase the use of foods with sedative, antihypertensive and diuretic effects such as lotus seeds, lotus tea, lotus root.

3. Diet plan for people with high blood pressure

Diet menu for patients with high blood pressure should ensure 1500kcal/day, protein: 54g, fat 36g, carbohydrates 238g. Patients with hypertension can apply a detailed menu of main meals as follows:
Breakfast: Bread with milk (1 piece of bread 1000 VND, milk powder 25g) Lunch: Rice: 2 bowls with (rice 80g) ; Lean pork braised (40g); Tofu with tomato and tomato sauce (60g tofu, 20g lean meat, 10ml oil); 300g boiled cabbage, 200g watermelon. Dinner: 2 bowls of rice (80g rice); stir-fried beef with potatoes (beef 20g, potatoes 100g, oil 10 ml); 200g boiled water spinach; Orange 200g. Total energy 1500 - 1700kcal/day, Protein: 45-60g, Fat 25-37g, Powdered sugar 255-300, Sodium: 2000 mg, Potassium 4000-5000 mg, Fiber: 20-25g.
In addition, the patient can change the food according to the day as follows: Group sugar powder instead of rice, pho, bread, vermicelli, vermicelli, sweet potato, taro, cassava. Protein groups can be replaced with lean meat, fish, eel, shrimp, eggs, whole milk powder, skim milk powder.

Bánh mì là thực phẩm người người bệnh cao huyết áp có thể sử dụng trong thời gian ăn kiêng
Bánh mì là thực phẩm người người bệnh cao huyết áp có thể sử dụng trong thời gian ăn kiêng

4. Some foods people with high blood pressure should eat

People with high blood pressure should eat the following foods to control blood pressure effectively:
Green leafy vegetables Green leafy vegetables contain a large amount of potassium, which helps the body eliminate sodium in the kidneys through urinary tract, which effectively lowers blood pressure.
Some vegetables people with high blood pressure should eat such as lettuce, lettuce, collard greens, spinach.
Berries Berries, especially blueberries, are rich in a natural compound called flavonoids. This nutrient has the effect of preventing blood pressure and lowering blood pressure effectively.
Patients can use berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries in their daily nutritional menu.
Potatoes The composition of potatoes contains minerals that have the effect of lowering blood pressure such as potassium and magnesium. Therefore, people with high blood pressure can change their taste with dishes made from potatoes.
Beets Many studies have shown that beetroot juice has a very good effect on the treatment of high blood pressure. In beets, there are nitrates that can help lower blood pressure in just 24 hours. Patients can process beetroot as juice or cooked.

Người mắc bệnh cao huyết áp nên ăn củ cải đường giúp hỗ trợ điều trị bệnh cao huyết áp
Người mắc bệnh cao huyết áp nên ăn củ cải đường giúp hỗ trợ điều trị bệnh cao huyết áp

Sugar-free milk Sugar-free milk is a great source of nutrients to help people with high blood pressure supplement calcium, and at the same time contains a sufficient amount of fat, helping to effectively lower blood pressure.
In addition to the above foods, people with high blood pressure can eat more oatmeal, bananas, because these foods are rich in fiber and potassium, which have a good effect on blood sugar control.
Currently, there is no cure for hypertension, but if the patient maintains a reasonable diet in combination with a healthy lifestyle, it can limit the complications of hypertension. .
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has been and continues to deploy the Basic Hypertension Checkup Package. When using Vinmec's medical services in general and Vinmec's hypertension package in particular, customers will be examined and treated in space, with a standard medical equipment system under the supervision of experts. Professional and experienced doctor. Help patients with high blood pressure determine the causes, complications and levels of hypertension, help patients understand their health status and promptly take necessary interventions.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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