Note in the diet of hypertensive patients

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High blood pressure is a dangerous disease. However, if there is a reasonable diet and a healthy lifestyle, the patient will still have good health as a normal person. Therefore, maintaining a suitable diet when suffering from high blood pressure is very important.

1. Some causes of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a dangerous disease that can leave many dangerous complications for the heart, brain, blood vessels and many organs in the body.
Hypertension is also considered a "silent killer" because the symptoms of hypertension are often not obvious. Patients are only discovered when the disease has advanced, difficult to treat, so the prognosis is poor. Therefore, for patients diagnosed with high blood pressure, in addition to strictly following the instructions of the doctor, the diet when having high blood pressure is also very important. Because a diet high in sodium is an important cause of high blood pressure. Some studies have shown that, if hypertensive patients' diets are limited in sodium, rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, do not smoke, drink alcohol, they can effectively improve stable blood pressure. . Specifically, the degree of influence of risk factors is as follows:

Smoking: This is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases, so you should not use tobacco. There have been studies showing that blood pressure readings can increase significantly with each cigarette that a patient uses. Accordingly, smokers will not be protected from cardiovascular risk despite taking antihypertensive drugs. Overweight and obesity: The main cause of high blood pressure is being overweight or obese. In fact, the disease can affect blood pressure levels from a young age and is a risk factor for hypertension. Psychological factors and stress: An unhealthy lifestyle, often under stress also leads to increased blood pressure and an increased susceptibility to some cardiovascular diseases.

Thừa cân béo phì có thể gây bệnh lý tăng huyết áp
Thừa cân béo phì có thể gây bệnh lý tăng huyết áp
In addition, to avoid increased blood pressure, patients should limit carrying heavy objects, do gentle exercise and maintain a reasonable diet when having high blood pressure.

2. How to maintain the diet when having high blood pressure?

Diet plays a huge role in controlling blood pressure. Therefore, in addition to taking medication to control blood pressure daily, the diet of hypertensive patients also needs to be focused to soon return blood pressure to normal.
Accordingly, hypertensive patients need to follow the main principles of the "3 decrease" and "3 increase" diet as follows:
Reduced diet: Reduce salt intake; fat reduction; reduce alcohol consumption. Increase mode: Increase the use of calcium-rich foods; rich in potassium and rich in protective substances such as green vegetables, potatoes, beans and fruits; build a "1 increase, 1 decrease and 1 quit" lifestyle to increase exercise, reduce stress and quit smoking. Specifically, the "3 decrease", "3 increase" mode is as follows:
Low salt diet compared to the daily menu, estimated to use less than 6g/day. Limit menus that contain a lot of calories, especially for overweight and obese people, people with normal weight should only be 35-40kcal/kg body weight. It is necessary to reduce lipid in the daily diet, especially for people with a history of atherosclerosis, it should only be maintained at 25-40g/day. Vegetable lipids, such as oils and oilseeds, should be used. Keep a balance of protein at 60-70g/day, don't eat too much animal protein.

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Người bệnh tăng huyết áp cần có chế độ ăn hợp lý và khoa học
Estimated amount of Glucid is about 300-350g/day, people with hypertension should use grains that are not milled thoroughly, and at the same time limit sugar and confectionery. The percentage of energy between substances: protein: 12 - 15% of dietary energy; lipids: 15 - 20% of dietary energy; glucid: 65 - 70% of dietary energy. In addition, people with high blood pressure should not smoke because nicotine causes peripheral vasoconstriction. Should eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits, at the same time drink a moderate amount of water, can alternate drinking lotus tea, flower tea, corn silk juice, boiled vegetable juice.

3. What should hypertensive patients eat and avoid?

As a dangerous disease, what to eat with high blood pressure and what to abstain from is information that is of great interest to many people. Information about what hypertensive patients should eat and what to abstain are as follows:
3.1 Foods hypertensive patients should eat Some foods that hypertensive patients should eat are as follows:
Starch: Plain rice, rice sticky rice, potatoes and beans, peanuts, sesame. Meats: Should eat less fat such as beef, chicken, lean pork... Eggs: Should eat chicken eggs because they have less lipid than duck eggs. Milk: People with high blood pressure should eat skim milk, soy milk, yogurt. Seafood: Should eat fish, shrimp, crab

Hải sản chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng tốt cho người bệnh huyết áp
Hải sản chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng tốt cho người bệnh huyết áp

In addition, the diet of hypertensive patients cannot lack fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure need to increase their intake of green vegetables and fruits, vitamins to provide enough vitamins and minerals needed for the body. In particular, the fiber in vegetables also works to remove excess fat, prevent atherosclerosis and many other diseases.
Some foods such as lettuce, kale, spinach, ripe bananas, potatoes... contain high levels of potassium to help neutralize and eliminate sodium from the body, this has the effect of lowering blood pressure. Patients can eat directly or squeeze juice, make smoothies to change their taste. Some fruits are good for hypertensive patients such as: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, avocados, papayas...
>> See more: Medicines to treat high blood pressure

3.1. What should a hypertensive patient avoid? In order to control blood sugar well, hypertensive patients should limit eating fatty meat, stewed meat broth and fatty fish. In particular, it is advisable to minimize the intake of animal viscera such as kidneys, heart, liver, intestines, stomach, ... because they have a lot of cholesterol.
In addition, the patient should not drink condensed tea, coffee, pipe tobacco, tobacco and hot spicy foods. Limit your intake of salt, sugar and sweets.
Although, high blood pressure cannot be completely cured, but using daily drugs, having a healthy lifestyle, a reasonable scientific diet and exercising regularly every day can be limited. complications of hypertension.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has been and continues to deploy the Basic Hypertension Checkup Package. When using Vinmec's medical services in general and Vinmec's hypertension package in particular, customers will be examined and treated in space, with a standard medical equipment system under the supervision of experts. Professional and experienced doctor. Help patients with high blood pressure determine the causes, complications and levels of hypertension, help patients understand their health status and promptly take necessary interventions.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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